Chapter 1

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I quietly pack as I keep to myself I couldn't believe that my dad was letting me go to konaha! I was excited to see what it was like and learn there ninja ways and meet new people. The leaf ninja had decided to stay here in Suna over night then me and them would go back to konaha in the morning. I finish packing and then get ready for bed, I climb under my sheets and fall asleep peacefully. Soon, I awaken to the sounds of the village and yawn, I look at the time. 9:30. No big deal. Wait! 9:30?! I fling the covers off and get dressed in my usual ninja attire and run out of my home to the gates of the village. When I get there I see Naruto-sama and his team along with my father. I smile embarrassedly as I walk over to the group.

"Sorry I'm late." I smile sheepishly.

"Your fine."Naruto-sama says with a smile.

I nod and then smile to my father hugging him, He tells me to do my best and the he loves me. It makes me smile and I nod" Hai, Father." I say softly before hugging him one last time before I follow naruto-sama and his team out of the hidden sand village, my home.

Soon we were traveling trough forest, Naruto-sama was quick so we were making good time getting to konaha. I was glad when we stopped to catch our breath. I was tired, Though I wouldn't show that I was as we move on. We then made camp for the night and I was told we would reach konaha around noon tomorrow. I was excited and scared at the same time. I listen to them all tell stories then naruto-sama says" Do you have anything to say about yourself, Kohana?Like your name, hobbies, likes, dislikes, dreams for the future." I snap my head to attention.

" Um....Well I'm Kohana of Sunagrakue, My hobbies are training, drawing and making my father proud, I like few things and dislike many. My dream.... Is to become the first female kazekage!" I smile and could see I had naruto's approval. This made my smile wider, I then say" Now, You tell me about yourselves." I say to my newly found friends.

"Well, As you know I'm Rika! My hobbies are going on missions and helping Taiki pull pranks, I like to spend time with my friends and watch the clouds, I dislike judgeful people and power hungry people. My dream is to become an ANBU captain."

I smile at her description and nod then face Taiki, He grins goofingly then says...

"Uzumaki Taiki, Believe it!" He gives me a thumbs up" My hobbies are pulling pranks and eating ramen. I like eating ramen, spending time with my dad and hanging out with Rika. My dislikes are people like mister doom and gloom; kuya over here." He points towards the uchiha who gives him a death glare" And my dream is to become the hokage like my dad."

I nod and then look over at Kuya who was very quiet and who didn't seem to like this.

"You already know my name, So why bother telling you." Naruto gives him a look and he sighs" My name is Kuya Uchiha. I have very few hobbies, I like only some things and dislike many. I don't have a particular dream for the future."

I was quiet then smile" Well It's good to know so much about my new comrades. Alright then I'll see you all in the morning. Night." I say and go to one of the tents they had set up and lay down in my sleeping bag and fall asleep.


UGH! Stupid sun! Leave me alone! I pull the remnants of my sleeping bag over my head" Kohana, Wake up. We are leaving." Damn it! I crawl out sluggishly from my sleeping bag into the morning light, I sigh rolling it up and getting stuff ready to leave. Today would be the day I entered the hidden leaf village.

*Time skip*

I stare in awe at the huge green gates that toward over my head. It was so beautiful here and everyone looked so happy and peaceful. I watch as naruto-sama nods to the guards near the gates and they smile greeting him, Though once they were done they stared at me questioningly. I kept quiet and followed naruto-sama into the village along with my new friends. I could some people stare questioningly and other just go about their business as usual. I smile hoping this day would get better.

We soon reached the hokage's tower. Taiki, Rika and Kuya were sent home while I remained.

" Alright, So while you stay in Konaha you'll be recognized as my niece and will be staying with me. You'll be put on team 8 and your sensei is Kuya's father. Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto-sama says.

I nod with a smile and say" Alright, When do I get to meet him and my team?"

"Tomorrow" He says.

I smile" Okay. Well thank you....oji-san." I smirk and then he gives me directions to his home were I would be staying at while I was in the hidden leaf village. This was going to be an interesting stay.


Hope you like the chapter! If you any ideas or what not just comment below!

The pic is of course of naruto!:D

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