Chapter 8

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                                                                               I grumble as I wake up to the sun shining in my face. Wait. The sun?! Are you kidding me! They never woke me up for guard duty! Those Baka's! I huff and see everyone is asleep, I shake my head and get up. I kick Izumi to wake up and make sure he is awake before I go to train in a field a few ways from the camp. First I sit on one of the large boulders that was in the field and I meditate. It was a thing I had to help my chakra. Suddenly my eyes flash open as I feel like someone is watching me, But easily ignore them so I don't show that they are there as I begin to train.

"Sand Waterfall: Crawling Death." I say harshly as large snakes made of sand burst from the ground and snap and hiss  as they crawl around the boulder. Then suddenly constrict the boulder blowing it to peices  and I jump right before they do and jump on one of their heads and smirk as I see everyone was awake and watching me. I release the snakes and they dissapear in the ground. I fall to the ground and was going to land gracefully on the ground, But before I could Izumi catches me! A deep crimson crosses my face as he holds me in his arms. I move out of his arms and turn away from him sharply as I start to head down the trail that would lead us to our destination. I could feel their eyes on my back, But I knew they were following.


As we get a ways down the road I start to get jumpy, I look around nervously. This part of the trail looked like my dream I had last nice. I shiver quietly and then I hear. I could just barely hearable, I knew the others wouldn't have hear it, But I had.

"Take out the girl first. She looks like the weakest."

Suddenly a rain of kunai's and shiurken's come at us. I use my sand to make a barrier around all of use. I pant softly at how quickly I had distributed my sand. I make a window so I can see what it going on. Every stares at me wide- eyed and then Sasu-Sensei, Izumi and myself come out of the sand barrier to face the oncoming attacks.Haru stays back to protect the clients.

"Mongeyko Sharingon!" I hear Sensei say, I knew this was going to be a tough battle if he was using the Mongeyko Sharingon. I release my special sand from it's capsoul and let it pour out as a group of ninja come at me, A sickly sweet smirk plasters itself on my face as I whisper,

"Sand Destrutcion: Agonizing Truth."

The sand wraps around the ninja rapidly and I begin to see there memories, Who they are, What they want and Who their working for. After I get the imformation the sand covers them fully engulfing them, They didn't even have time to scream as the die in the sand, Their blood soaking through the sand and dripping to the ground.

"Anymore? Come and fight me you cowards!" I growl in anger as the others watch me. I grab my head as I felt it throbing. I then fall to my knees as I feel a kunai get plunged into my back, I scream in pain and I hear my comrades yelling my name. I look at my hands that were starting to become covered in blue chakra. *No, Nibi. Please don't I'm fine.* I say to the tailed demon as I look down at her from where I sat ontop of her head.* Quiet child!* She snarls and I get kicked out of her mind. I feel the kunai get pulled out of my back from my sand. I snarl at the enemy ninja that had done this to me.

"Damn Bastard." I get up and smile showing sharp teeth and slowly walk towards him I could see his knees shaking, eyes wide, He was obviously scared. I get inches away from him before I say" I'll show you mercy, Only because you remind me why I don't fight little kids. Cause they are defenseless. Go to whoever you work for and tell them I don't play games."

"To bad I don't play games either."I hear a voice and my head jerks to look to where the voice came from. Suddenly my body begins to freeze, I couldn't move as I stare at the women a few feet away from me. She had a sneer on her face along with long golden hair that went to her waist, Her eyes were ice blue and her skin tanned from being outside for long hours of time. I felt like I was going to be sick as I stare at the figure.

"It's good to see you again, Kohana. Considering your father , may he be forever damned for not letting me see my little red flower." She grins and I my face twists in disgust.

"Hello Mother."


Hey guys, Did ya like it? Did ya? Did ya?!! hahaha Yes I made a cliffhanger!! Well love you all!!

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