Chapter 11

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                                                                                                       We all sat around a campfire. Myself,  my mother and a few of her subordinates. We were all laughing and having a good time. Well, they were mostly drunk, I was keeping quiet and to myself. I was really missing everyone such as my father, Izumi, Haru, and even old man Hokage. I just wondered if they were thinking of me, or if they even missed me. I look into the blazing fire in front of me, watching as the flames licked at the night sky, before I got up quietly. But in doing so this alerted my mother.

"Where are you going, Hana?" She asks me, leaning against a big log while continuing to warm herself by the fire and drink her sake.

"I'm going to go take a walk." I say quietly,"Don't worry, I won't run this time."I then turn to go walk around the forest with it's large trees and confusing turns, twists , and things that lurked in the shadows. I ignore it all though, glad to get away for a while actually. I walk around aimlessly for a while singing softly.


"Who ever told the sun to wake


And who ever told the moon

To clutch the sea?

Did the sun ever say back

Master I refuse to shine?

Did the moon ever refuse

To change the tides?


What does that say for me?


Have I ever found myself in your favor

Or was it just a temporary covering?

And, when the seas become calm

And the winds have all been settled

Will I still see your love?


Will it slowly fade away

Like candle light at dusk?

Or, will you be the lighthouse

On the hillside that

Guides our every move?


I'd love nothing more than

To pull up my roots and replant

Myself in much richer grounds

Shed the dead limbs and re-grow new


When it all fades

And darkness overcomes us

Will you still be there?


Will you still shine?"


I felt I was singing loudly like some of these lyrics connected to me, but sooner then later I stopped. Hearing a disturbance in the forest. I raise an eyebrow silently and go into a fighting stance. But see it was just a bird and began laughing at my paranoia. But get the feeling that was still something there. A frown slowly creeps upon my face. "Who's there?"I call out as I cross my arms but was waiting for someone or something to jump out at me.

"Ah, so I haven't come too late then." Says a voice with a humorous tone in it, Making my freeze. So I wasn't being paranoid after all! I watch as a man steps out. He was tall and dressed in black with no head band that I could see of. Could he be a rouge? I thought to myself. I suppose we would be finding out soon.

"What do you want? Who are you?"I growl at him, slowly stepping back, inching myself away from him. But he gave me a sadistic grin, even though I couldn't see much else of his features.

"Who am I? A friend or foe? That's an interesting question. I suppose we will determine that later on." He says as he rushes me, which I wasn't ready for since I was lost in my thoughts of who this stranger might be. Hitting me hard in the back of the head I quickly felt the darkness began to consume me. Damn it. This is going to be bad.

Cliffhanger! Hope you guys liked it, thanks for reading! Who could the stranger be? Also I would like to know if any of you would make up a character for me so I could incorporate them into one of the future chapters?  Anyways vote, comment, etc!

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