Chapter 3

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                                                          I smile innocently as me and izumi get into a fighting stance, Out of the corner of my eye I see a silver-haired jounin watching silently. I sneer as Izumi rushes me while throwing some shuriken. Sand comes up protecting me , I whirl away from it while Izumi looks confused. I hide underground  then grab his feet, Pulling him under so only his head is sticking out of the ground. I appear in front of him with a smile, flashing a peace sign. " Did I do good?" I look at my sensei intently for his answer, He then slowly nods. I smile feeling good about winning.

"You did exceptionally well." I see the silver-haired jounin helping izumi out of the ground.

I raise an eyebrow, But say" Thank you...Who Are you?"

"Hatake, Kakashi." He says with a closed eye smile.

Ah, Izumi's father. I smile and look seeing the resemblance between the two. Then something suspires me as I look at sasuke sensei.

" Now I want you both to take her on." He tells izumi and haru.

I growl and get into a fighting stance as the boys come over my. Instantly my sand protects me.

I make hand signs while my sand protects me"Wind style: Razor Fangs!" I smile as my wind cuts past them opening marks on their skin, But that wasn't the end of it. The wind came back and cut them again.

Izumi glared at me then made the quickest handsigns I had ever seen someone do.

"Illusionary Mist." He says I then become very confused as I appear in a dark place. I then see horrible things from my past.

---Flash Back---

"Oto-san?"I say looking around for my father. I go down various hallways to find him, But still couldn't find him. I huff and sit on a window-sill. I then see my father's wife, Who he had just got married to. I didn't like her. There was something off about her. I close my eyes and smile at her.

Big mistake. I feel something fly past my face, My eyes grow wide as I see it's a kunai. She continues to beat me, Shouting out things of how I'm a demon and should die.

After she was finished, Thinking I was dead she went  to pick me up, To bury me. But before she could do that a dark blue chakra forms over me healing me. The whites of my eyes become red as I attack her, Once I was finished I noticed I had killed her.

---End of Flash Back---

I shudder, But more memories keep coming. I was screaming by the time a memory of me watching my best friend get killed on a mission.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT! GET OUT!"I scream, tears coming down my face. I then see I was back in the present, My team mates and sensei in front of me.

"Thanks."I murmur with a faint smile before falling forward only to be caught by Izumi.

I look up at him as he sets me down on the cool grass. I see everyone was worried, But I shut my eyes and dissappear in cloud of sand. I then sit in a nerby tree and watch their confusion, Giggling softly. This was to much fun.

Then I feel a presence beside me and see Kakashi, grumbling that he had found me.

"So what is it you have inside you. I can tell you carry a tailed-beast." He says to me. My eyes widen and I stiffen as I growl at him."That does not concern you!"

He gives me a look before shrugging, while pulling out an orange book and beginning to read it.

"Stupid Teme."I huff and jump down from the tree, joining my team mates and sensei.They give me odd looks, I glare at Izumi this was his fault! He had projected my memories to everyone. Now they wanted to know what demon I held.

"Fine!"I say after they stare at me for a long time.

"I carry the two-tails.Nibi." I glare at them and their shocked faces. My father had an elder seal nibi inside of me because it was endangering the village. God I have a weird life.


I'll update the next chapter soon!

Oh and the picture is of Izumi(:

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