Chapter 5

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                                                      I shiver silently as I pull away from the dog-boy's touch, Threaten him then walk off my sand following me silently. I was quiet as I feel their stares on my back, But keep walking until I could no longer feel their gazes that is when I started to run. I run as fast as I can until I feel  my legs collapse from underneath me. I look up then stare silently at the KIA stone infront of me. I must of ran far to get to the KIA stone. I stare at the names silently from where I laid on the ground, But hear foot steps coming towards me. I sigh, couldn't any one just leave me alone?

"So, What brings you to the KIA stone?" I slowly lift my head to see izumi's father, Oh shoot what was his name! Kakashi Right? Yea that was it! I was quiet for a moment before murmuring" Admiring it.... I've lost so many, But things like a KIA stone reminds me that I'm never alone." I thrust my head back as I feel cold drops of water start to splatter my face.

"Here, Let's get you out of the rain." Kakashi gives me his hand silently, I quietly reach for it and he helps me up and we run out of the rain, As we get out of the rain I see we were inside of a home. It must of been his. I hear footsteps then see a beautiful woman with long brown hair come into view and smiles warmly" Who is this dear?" She says to kakashi. He smiles lightly and says" This is Izumi's teammate, Kohana. I was helping her get out of the rain."

"Hello." I say to the woman with a quiet smile at her, She nods the smile still on her face and say" Well since your here why don't you stay for dinner, Kohana?" I blush lightly then nod lightly" Oh and my name is Ayame." She smiles then heads into the kitchen without another word. I then hear something from kakashi about izumi being upstairs in his room if I wanted to hang out with him till dinner was ready, I nodded silently, I knocked on a door as I finally get upstairs. Kakashi had told me which room it was, So I was assuming this was Izumi's room. Someone opens the door, I look up and their stands Izumi, He gives me an odd look then says" What are you doing in my house?"

" Your dad was helping me out of the rain, Then your mom told me stay for dinner, Then your dad said I could come up here and hang out with you until dinner was ready." I say, Gosh that was a mouthful. His eyetwitches slightly then he murmur's" Uh... Come in then."

 I roll my eyes quietly as a faint smile appears on my face, I sit on his bed and observe his room quietly then say"So, What's Sasu-Sensei like?" I smirk give Sensei a nickname, I look over at Izumi quietly waiting for his reply.

"He's alright, I guess. He can be fun at times, But usally he pushes us alot. I know he just wants us to become good ninja though." He shrugs silently. This makes me smile and I murmur" Yea... Well I guess I'll go easy with you." I smirk at him, He rolls his eyes and says" Yea that's why you almost fainted today when I put that genjutsu on you?" I growl softly, In a blink of an eye I was inches from his face" Don't underestimate me." I give him a death stare before leaving the room and going down the stairs. I tell Ayame and Kakashi I can't stay, Before they could say anything I had rushed out of the house, Running to the hokage's home where I was staying while I was here.

Izumi's P.O.V.


                                I sigh softly as I slump down onto my bed then hear footsteps coming up the stairs, My door slams open to see my mother who looked really pissed off. I shudder internally, If looks could kill her's would!

" What did you do to make that sweet girl leave?" She growls her fists clenched as she stares me down her eyes like daggers.

" I didn't do anything! Swear. She just got mad at me and left.' I say, Well it was partially true atleast. She continues to send me glares, gritting her teeth. I then feel a 'thwack'  "Ow!!"I say as I look up at my mom who was over me, She had hit me! Gah! Well that is motherly love for you right there.

"Kakashi! Come take care of your son before I kill him!" She yells before leaving my room. I knew she was joking, But I made a mental note reminding myself to never, EVER piss my mom off again!

 I then watch as my dad comes in right after my mom, Smirking under his mask. Oh glad to see someone thinks this is amusing! Now it was my turn to glare and with that I shut my bedroom door and tried to get some sleep.


Hope you like the chapter!:D Vote and what not! Haha (:

I love this song so don't judge!(: xD haha

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