Chapter 6

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                                                     "That  stupid teme!" I growl under my breath as I walk through the rain. It was now only a slight drizzle.  I sigh silently as my hair dampens, sticking to my skin. I keep walking until I reach naruto-san's home, I slip through the front door undetected and go up to the room they had give me and change out of my wet clothes into new ones and try to make my hair not look so wet. I keep quiet as taiki knocks on my door to tell me dinner is ready. I go to the door, sliding it open as I walk out into the hall way and into the kitchen. I see naruto-san along with taiki and naruto-san's wife, hinata-chan. Before they had told me I knew she was a huyga. Father had taught me everything about the five great shinobi nations, all the clan and their kekkei gennkai. She smiles kindly at me, But keeps quiet. I stay silent as well as we eat dinner. Everyone else was talking so it's not like I would get a word in anyway. I finish my dinner quickly and without another word disappear up the stairs to my room, But thank Hinata-chan for dinner before going up the stairs.

" Why do old memories have to be brought back? And here of all places."I mutter softly as I sit on my bed, Turning my head I look out at the full moon that was high in the sky. I blink once as something crosses my vision, But ignore it as I start to fall asleep.

I wake up soon and see the clock, It was about 3:00 in the morning. I grumble as my head falls back to my pillow as I try to go back to sleep.Soon sleep comes to me again with a dream this time.


I watch myself  from a far, I was about 7 years old at the time.

"Can't Catch me!" I laugh  as I run from a figure, I raise an eyebrow as I watch the younger me.

Then something tackles the younger me, I then appear in the younger me's body, I stare up at a pair of eyes that held the sharingon.

I scream and appear in a black room and again the sharingon are staring straight at me.

Then I wake up.

~End of Dream~

I wake up and put a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. A few tears lightly spill from my eyes without my knowledge. I get up and get ready for the day. My dreams haunting me as I do so.

I soon was heading out the door to go train with the team. I meet up with the others as we wait for Sasu-Sensei. I was getting bored really quick of this and paced as we waited. Finally, When he did come most of us were yelling at him for being late.

He just gives an arrogant smirk and shrugs"Sorry." He says simply" But if your gonna yell at me I guess I can always just not tell you guys about your mission.." He trails off, Now this had my attention.

As he we all quiet down he gives a satisfied look before starting to tell us about our mission.

"Alright, So we have been assigned a C rank mission. We are to escort a brother and sister who are visiting konoha back to their home village. The Village Hidden Among the Rocks. It shouldn't be to hard, But pack lightly and when we start be very vigilant."

"Hai!"We say and then all of us go our separate ways to get to our homes to pack for the mission.

I meet the others at the gate. I raise an eyebrow as I see the people we were to guard. The girl was tall with a slender build, Long bleach blonde hair and vibrant green eyes. The boy was the exact same except he was muscular and had a charming smile.  I roll my eyes as he looks me up and down with curiosity. I start to walk ahead of the others silently as I let my sand cover the ground lightly so it wasn't noticeable, But if an enemy or if someone was approaching us I would know.

We keep walking for a while until we are out of The Land of Fire. I bite my lip to yell at the boy to stop staring at my ass, But kept quiet not wanting to cause any friction between the client and ourselves. I suddenly stop in my tracks as my sand feels someone coming towards and fast. I smirk in delight as I get ready for the attack. I look at my teammates and nod. The ready themselves and I watch as Sasu-Sensei tells the boys to stay and watch the clients and see if I can handle it. I knew it was only because he only wanted to see my abilities.

Then all of the sudden I am facing three men with smirks on their faces.

"Looks like your the first to die today, little girl." I smirk a sickly sweet grin and raise my head showing my natural greenish blue eyes had turn black." No, It looks likes it your the first to die today." Before they could get over the shock I use my sand." Sand Binding Prison!" I easily catch two of the men. I yell out my next attack before they could break free"Sand Binding Coffin!" I hear their struggles and smirk. I quickly make a clone to watch my back as I use my last attack on the men" Sand Waterfall Funeral." I smirk and the sand explodes with the men inside. Pity, They didn't even have time to scream. I see my team mates and the clients looking at me with wide eyes. I roll my black eyes and send out my sand once more to find the last remaining man. It drags him back with ease. I kneel down beside him, But instantly stop as I look into his eyes. The sharingon. I scream as I appear into a black room the red eyes with black in them looking straight at me. I shiver, Not knowing what was happening outside of the genjutsu.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

                                              I curse under my breathe, How did this boy get the sharingon?! I knew Kohana couldn't get out of genjutsu's, But I couldn't interfere considering I could feel more people close by waiting for the clients to be unattended. My eyes start to widen as I see the boy lean over a kunai o kill kohana with, But I then see a gray flash appear in front of her body, It was Izumi he was fighting with the boy and he looked pissed. I chuckle inwardly to myself it seems the boy did have feelings for the girl. I then look closer though and could see kohana.I bite my lip as blue charkra stars bubbling around her body. Oh no. Nibi was getting pissed because her host couldn't get out of the genjutsu.

That's when all hell broke loose.

Kohana had awaken from the genjutsu she was surrounded by black and blue chakra. Her eyes were black and ringed with insomnia. She gives a disgustingly sweet smile and tilts her head slightly before she zooms like lighting past izumi and attacks the boy tearing out his throat. She then turns her head back towards the woods and disappear into them. You could hear the screams of the men that were the others back up. I look at the others and nod as we start to keep walking, She would be able to follow us, All I knew was that we need to get the clients away from here.

After about an hour of waiting for her she finally stumbles into the clearing where we had made camp and falls next to the fire as a shutter goes through her body. She had used to much chakra. I sigh and make sure she is okay and healed, Letting her rest. I look at her for a moment she was something alright. I then start to trail off as I look up at the stars.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've just been so busy. I'll try and update more, But anyways here is the new chapter to Gaara's Daughter?! Hope you enjoy it!





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