Chapter 7

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Sherlock was slightly insulted that Lestrade called Maggie to the scene first. But it was only Lestrade, nobody too important.

Sherlock observed the room and told Lestrade his impressive deductions.

He noticed Maggie standing very close to him, only a foot between them. Sherlock knew she was trying to aggravate him. She knows how Sherlock is about his personal space.

"What have you found? Anything useful?" Lestrade asked.

Sherlock looked at the body, his eyes landing on the position the victim's hands were in. "The killer left us a clue." Sherlock said, "But why would he-where's John?" Sherlock noticed his good doctor wasn't here.

"He didn't come in." Lestrade looked over at the door.

"I'll go find him." Maggie said and stalked out the door.

Sherlock watched her as she went, his mind full of memories of Maggie and their past.

Maggie exited the building and Sherlock's mind seemed to clear a bit. Although she was still on his mind, Sherlock was able to focus a bit more and notice the smaller things.

The light was the first thing that caught his eye.

The curtains were drawn so that the light shown brightest on the body as if showcasing it.

"Did anyone touch the curtains?" He asked Lestrade.

"Not to my knowledge. Why?" Lestrade asked.

Sherlock ignored him and swiftly moved over to the curtains.

They'd been pulled back recently judging by the amount of dust laying over it.

"Who found the body?" Sherlock asked turning from the curtains.

"The victim's sister. Mary Truman." Lestrade said and nodded to the door.

Sherlock walked out the door and over to where the ambulance was parked. He saw one of Lestrade's men talking to a young lady around 19. Mary Truman.

Sherlock waved the officer away and turned to talk to the child. She had a blanket on her shoulders. Her shoulders shook, showing the blanket wasn't doing a very good job in doing what it was meant for.

"Mary Truman I presume?" Sherlock asked and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Y-yes." She stuttered.

"How and when did you find your brother?" He asked quickly.

"I-I was c-coming home from s-school and he was d-d-dead." She stuttered. Sherlock couldn't help but sigh impatiently.

"Did you see anyone on your street or perhaps a car?" I asked.

"N-no. M-my brother w-was a-alone and now h-he's d-dead." She stuttered.

"Yes, yes, I know. I saw him hanging from his throat." Sherlock dismissed.

Tears gathered in the girl's eyes. Sherlock felt something quiver in his gut when he saw the fear and sadness in the girl's eyes. "H-how can you b-be so heartless?" She asked.

Sherlock looked away, attempting to keep his face emotionless and cold. "Heartless? If I had no heart I'd be dead and I wouldn't be trying to help you." He leaned forward a bit.

"Who a-are y-you?" She asked.

"I'm Sherlock Holmes." He said shortly.

Her eyes widened a bit. She looked rather frightened.

"You're Sh-Sherlock Holmes?" She stuttered.

"Yes. Why?" Sherlock asked, interested in what she might say.

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