Chapter 9-Maggie's POV

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The church was silent and dark when I stepped through. I had no doubt that Sherlock had followed me and most likely John followed him, too.

I held my gun at my side as I walked on the creaky floorboards. Candles lit up most of the church and the rest was pitch black.

I looked around uneasily but continued down the aisle.

"Margaret. What a pleasant surprise." I turned sharply towards the priest's voice. He was smiling and standing only a few feet behind me.

"I wish I could say the same." I spat.

"No need to get angry, Margaret. I'm only trying to help." He reasoned.

"So killing people and kidnapping a baby girl is helping?" I questioned.

"I was not killing them. I was saving them." He clasped his hands together.

"How is that considered saving people?" I asked.

"They are now angels. They're in a better and safer place." He said.

I then remembered the child and it's empty crib "The baby. You took the baby, where is she?" I demanded.

"Somewhere safe." He said.

I glared at him and lifted my gun up threateningly. "Tell me where she is or I shoot." I kept my face straight and didn't even blink.

"Now you wouldn't do that. We both know that." He said and kept his hands clasped in front of him.

"I beg to differ. I would gladly pull this trigger on you. You've done nothing to proof that you deserve any mercy." I threatened.

His smile faltered.

"I was only helping them. God is watching over us and protects us." He straightened up and lifted his chin a bit.

"This has nothing to do with God. All I need to know is why you killed them." I demanded.

The Priest sighed. "There isn't enough angels out there. Not enough to watch over London much less Europe."

Well this guy is obviously crazy. His pupils were dilated and his hands were sweating.

"How did you know? About my family and...friend?" I had to know.

"I have my resources. I've been told to watch after you. My boss sees you as a threat and that's not the best position to be in." He chuckled humorlessly.

"Who's your boss? What does he know about me?" I questioned.

"He knows everything about you." The Priest said.

"I seriously doubt that." I smirked.

"Well he certainly knows a lot." The Priest took a step towards me. I remained motionless.

I could practically feel Sherlock and John's gaze burning into my face. I knew they were here somewhere. I looked around until I saw a flash of blue in one of the stained glass windows. Sherlock's scarf.

I instantly looked away so as to not give away their position.

I looked back at the Priest to see him standing even closer. Only six feet away.

"Too bad your friends couldn't be here. The infamous Detective and his little Blogger. What a fascinating couple." He mused.

"You wish Sherlock was here. I'm not near patient as he is and that's saying something." I snarled.

He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Now back to the problem at hand. Tell me where the girl is." I narrowed my eyes at him before adding harshly, "Now!"

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