Summer Break forever and always

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Elena's POV

I was numb from head to toe, thinking about when i was 5 years old and my back to the door as i listened to the family war. Tears come falling down my rosy cheeks as I feel the pain as if it happened yesterday . My life got flipped upside down 13 years ago. You see, my mom was having financial issues, my dad refused to help out, it was constant fighting. My dad was very abusive to my mom and I, he was a constant drinker, heavy alcoholic. He sexualy abused me from when i was little until he left. Then that was when my mom started drinking all the time and dating strange men and not giving a shit about what I do. My dad left when i was 6. I sometimes wish we were still close, but then i remember all the times he touched me and abused me and my mother. Asshole.He left for the best, i guess. I try my best to forget and be happy but its hard sometimes, its hard to forget when the pain is all right there in front of me. I'm not unhappy with my life, but im not happy with it either. I love my friends, school, my social status, I'm not the most popular girl at school, but i do have a lot of friends. Im not happy with my family, and of course like every other teenager stress, and just the pressure to be what society wants us to be.

Its almost summer break, and school is almost over, I'm not that excited, but i know i should be.I want this summer to be the best summer of my life. All i want it to forget about the pain. Forget about school, forget about my lousy father, the pressure of being a teenageer just escape my life and just live for 1 summer. 1 summer filled with smiles instead of tears, memories instead of nightmairs.
I get out of bed for the last day of school, not exited but not disapointed either. I dont hate school, i actually like some periods in school. I really love english, i want to be a writter when im older, but i kind of gave up on that dream when my mom gave up on me. My thoughts are interupted when my phone starts to ring. Its my best friend Allie, ''Hello?'' I answer. ''Hey, so your alive?'' Alli asks with conern. ''Yeah why wouldnt I be''? I reply with confusion in my voice. ''Well, I know that the last day of school isnt your day, i know you dont like to be alone, so summer is sometimes hard for you, but I will be with you the whole time, I promise you Elena''she says in a best friend kind of way. ''I know, and i love you for that'' I say. ''This summer is going to be the best summer ever''She says with exitment in her voice. ''I'm coming over okay?''. ''Yeah of course'' I answer.I get dressed into a pair of white ripped jeans, and put on a big black v-neck, I hear knocking, I run to the door, but Allie is already half way upstairs, we have been friends for 12 years, we are basically family, her house is mine and mine is hers. '''Almost ready''? She asks, ''were going to be late''. ''Oh come on, live a little, dont worry, we will get there on time'' I reply jokingly. ''Your telling me to live? Im not the one who went to no partys, no dances, no anything all year'' She jokes back. ''Its been a hard year Allie''. I reply with a sigh. ''I know that, but you will forget about it this summer'' She says. ''I know, im so exited'' I yell.

We talk for a few hours, not realizing the time. Were late for school. We have already missed the first 2 periods, i dont really care because its just french and history, my worst subjects. ''Allie its 10:45''I yell. ''Damn it!'' She screams. We run to school as fast as we can. We have history together, so we walk in together. ''Allie benson and Elena Gilbert, Suprise, suprise, so whats your excuse''? Mr. Lockwood asks. '' We stayed home and talked for a while, we lost track of time, were sorry'' Allie says with a little bit of tude, typical Allie. ''Oh im sorry Elena'' He says to me with sympathy. ''Excuse me?'' I ask confused. ''Did your mom die? Is she sick?'' He says sarcasticlly. ''No'' I reply with attitude. ''Then there is no excuse that is acceptable''He snarks, ''Now go sit down''He has never liked us, not because we're not good in his class, just because we are the only people who aren't scared of him, we can stand up to him. He picks on kids all the time, if it was an olympic sport, he would win first place. I am so over school though, i'm ready to finally let my guard down and have some fun. When 4th period is over, the bell rings, students run as fast as they can out the doors, not even looking back. All the Seniors look so happy, we did it, we made it through high school, we made through the teachers crap, the exams, the early mornings. We all seem so sure of what we want to do, Im excited but nervous for next year, so many big decisions to make. Whatever ill worry about that next year, all i have to worry about right now, is what im going to do tomorrow. ''Allie, you wanna sleepover tonight''? I ask hopefully. ''Where is your mom gonna be''? She questions. ''What kind of question is that? Is my mom ever home'' I reply laughing. ''Ill be over in an hour'' She yells as she runs away.


Thank you for reading ! Ill post more tomorrow ! The main character (Elena) , i picture her as Nina Dobrev .. I know shes from vampire diaries, and thats her character but thats just how i see her when im writing. ♥ ~Shyanne xo

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