Chapter 22/ Because of me

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*Shitty, short and boring chapter*


Elena's POV

"Can you bring me 2g?" I ask over the phone. "Sure meet at the spot" Tim replys.

"Hey Elena" Tim says passing me the weed while I slip him a 20. "Thanks" I smile. He stays and smokes a gram with me while I try to calm down. "Yooo I gotta dip, sorry Elena, Ron wants me to bring him some stuff" Tim says getting up. "Okay, thanks".

I put the weed in my little black bag and begin walking home, I text Justin and tell him I'm on my way. The paparazzi start taking pictures of me as I'm on the sidewalk on Justin's street. "Elena can we get a smile over here" I hear a man yell "Over here" "How are you and Justin" "Is jelena still on!". "Justin and I are great" I reply walking faster.

"Justin" I yell walking into his house "Hey babe, are you feeling better?" Justin asks hugging me. "Yeah I am"I smile. "So Selena called me earlier" Justin admits "Okay, and said what" I ask putting my bag down on the counter. "She said she tried calling you earlier today" He tells me "Oh, maybe she did, I can call her back, can you please get my phone?" I ask Justin while getting a yogurt from the fridge. "What is this" Justin asks angrily holding the bag of weed. "Justin I'm sor--" He stops me from talking when he gives me a huge hug. "It's ok. We're going to get you help. I promise". "Justin I don't need help, I just cracked, I promise I won't" I cry. "I'm here for you" He tells me pulling me closer to him "I know" I kiss him hard on the lips. I pull out and apologize once more before he tells me were going out for dinner. "Can we invite Selena?" I ask "Ok.." He says confused. "Ill call her and tell her to meet us at Olive Garden at 7" I smile.

We walk in and Selena is already at the table, she stands and greets us then we sit down. "Hey" She smiles hugging Justin and I. "Hey Selena, have the paparazzi been here since you got here?" I ask sitting down. "Not as many, there were more when Justin and you showed up" She tells me looking over the menu.

" So I read somewhere you're coming out with an album" Selena says taking a sip of her iced tea "Yeah actually, my first single is going to be with Justin" I smile. "Sounds great, aren't you coming out with a single tomorrow?" Selena asks Justin "Yeee, featuring Elena Gilbert" He laughs "Oh really, awe that's so cute" Selena smiles. "Now I know this might sound really awkward to talk about since Justin you're my ex, and Elena you're his girlfriend but since I feel like we're friends here, I actually have been dating someone for about three weeks now" Selena tells us. "Oh who?" I ask "Invite him here, we haven't ordered our food yet we can wait" I add "Sure ill text him" Sel says pulling out her phone.

Selena steps outside to call whoever she's dating, and Justin and I start talking "So you know how you said you really love Demi?" He asks me "Yeah" I say "Well I may have or may have not asked her if she would do a duet with you, and she may have or may have not said yes" Justin smiles "ARE YOU SERIOUS JUSTIN" I yell smiling from ear to ear causing people to look and making the paparazzi outside go crazy. "No I'm kidding" He says with a straight face "Omg asshole" I frown "Im joking, yeah I'm serious, she told me she would be at the studio tomorrow because I told her that you are working on it tomorrow" He tells me. This is honestly so surreal I mean I come from this broken home listening to Demi when I was sad and alone, I used to listen to Selena and watch them on TV and now Selena is one of my friends and Demi is going to be on my album, I can't even believe it.

"He'll be here in 5 minutes" Selena says walking back to our table "Waitress , I'm sorry is there anyway we can close the curtains everywhere, the cameras are getting annoying" Selena asks the waitress politely. "Hi Selena, I'm sowey to intarupt but can I pwease get a picture?" A very young girl who looks about 4 asks "Anything for my littles" Selena smiles and takes a photo with the cute little girl. "She's too cute" Justin smiled "Yeah I know" Selena agrees looking at her cell phone. "He's here" She adds putting down her phone.

She waves and smiles genuinely at him and Justin and look and we see the back of his head while he kisses Selena's cheek. "This is Noah". "What?!" I yell spitting out my water. I see Noah's dark brown eyes piercing through me, and I feel Justin's arm wrap around my waist tightly. "Hello Elena" Noah smiles sitting down next to Selena. "Oh so you two know each other?" Selena questions in a happy way "You can say that" Noah tells her not breaking our eye contact "Selena, I'm so sorry, Justin and I have to go" I apologize putting a 10$ bill on the table paying for Justin and my drinks. "Awe why don't you both stay for a bit?" Noah smiles "Come on, it'll be fun, I mean we are all friends here" He grins. "Don't you EVER say we are friends again" I say slapping him across the face causing Selena to tear up a little bit "Selena come with us" Justin demands Selena grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the booth. "Not until you tell me what's going on" She demands "You're not taking her anywhere" Noah tells Justin pulling out a gun and pointing it at Justin then me, then Justin. Everyone in the restaurant is now Hiding under tables and taking out Cell phones. "if anyone calls the cops, I will use this gun" Noah tells the customers.Holy shit what is with boyfriends carrying around guns? "Noah what the hell" Selena shouts. "Selena you're coming with me" Noah bosses Selena. "No way in hell, my mom raised me better than that" She replies with shaky hands. "Selena on 3 we run okay, you too Elena" Justin whispers. "1,2,3, NOW" Justin whispers running as fast as he can holding Selena's and my hand we hear a gun shot but we keep running. We get into Justin's car and we start driving "Did anyone get shot, is everyone okay?" Justin asks. "I'm fine" "Im okay" Selena and I tell him.

"Selena you're staying with us for a few days" Justin tells Selena. "Justin what are you talking about, we need to leave the country, lets go to our beach house, like someone could have just died" I remind him "But you need to finish your album and Demi is coming tomorrow and there is just so much to do here" Justin tells me looking anxious "Justin text scooter, I'm sure there are recording studios in Florida, then call Demi and invite her to our beach house. Everything will be ok" I comfort him kissing his cheek while he is still driving "Fine, have it your way" He laughs. "I always get what I want" I smile. "No you don't" He winks. "Um hello, does someone want to explain what just happened? Like why my ex-boyfriend just tried to shoot us" Selena interrupts us "oh right" I laugh. Justin and I explain EVERYTHING to her. And I mean everything, from me being bipolar, to my parents being alcoholics, I decided I would tell her everything that I've ever told Justin because Justin said I could trust her, and it seems like Selena will be in my life for a while.. And I kind of just almost got her shot so she deserves answers.

We get to Justin's house and pack, then drive to Selena's and pack for Florida, Selena runs out of her house and hides her face from the paparazzi, and Justin and I do as well. Selena gets in the backseat and buckles herself in. "Ready" She sighs. Justin drives away and drives to the airport, the workers help us to his private jet that they keep there and we get in and get ourselves comfortable "Next stop, Florida" Justin slightly smiles. I know he's scared but he's just trying to put on a brave face for me, that's what breaks my heart, it's because of me.

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