Cheater 10/ That's so bipolar

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I rest my head on his shoulder and fall asleep preparing myself for the long flight .
I wake up a few hours later with Justin fast asleep on my lap, and it's dark outside . I look at his watch and see that it's 10:30pm so I was sleeping for about 5 hours . How does someone sleep for that long during the day.
I realize that I didn't take my pills for the past 2 days , so I slowly and gently move Justin off of me and walk over to where I left my purse earlier and take out my 2 containers of pills. It's empty ... Oh my goodness what the hell am I supposed to do ? We're gonna be on this plane for about another 20 hours ! "Babe?" I hear justin say in his sleepy voice "Yeah it's just me Justin" I reply letting him no it's not a killer , it's just me moving around. " Wha-What are you doing?" He asks " Just getting some lip chap out of my purse , go back to sleep Justy" I tell him trying to hide the containers of pills behind my back. " What's behind your back ?" He says walking up to me scratching the back of his head. "Nothing"I yell at him. Justin takes the pills from my hands and try's to read them "What are these for?" He asks me. " I don't want to say" I inform him. " Elena were boyfriend and girlfriend now, tell me what these are for" Justin says putting the containers down and sits down next to me. " Stop getting all up in my business okay! Seriously just stay away from me! " I scream and run away to the small bathroom in the plane. "Elena let me in" Justin says from outside the door , I unlock the door and realize what I did wasnt nice and I was being a bitch. He opens the door and I wrap my arms around his neck and begin to cry . I don't even know why I'm crying " I'm sorry Justin" "It's fine don't worry about it" he replys hugging me back tightly. " I have bipolar and anxiety disorder. I didn't want to tell you because I'm really embarrassed about having bipolar because some people think it's 'weird' and stuff and I didn't want you to break up with me because of something I can't change" I tell him. "it's okay. I'm here for you, Im not gonna break up with you" He says in my ear since we're still hugging. He lets go and kisses me on the forehead . "When was the last time you took your pills?" Justin asks me walking out of the bathroom. "2 days" I reply following him. "So that's not too bad right?" He says pulling out the seats making it a bed " It could get bad if I don't get pills soon" I tell him getting the blankets from the shelf that I see behind Justin . " How bad?" He asks "Well depends If I have an episode or not , normally I do. And they aren't good" I inform him making the bed while he gets the pillows.
"I'm going to eat something okay?" I tell him before walking about a meter "Noo" I hear him say while getting into the bed . "Why not?" I ask "because I want you to come cuddle with me" He begs while getting out of bed and pulling me onto the bed and tucking me in . " I guess I don't have a choice do I ?" I laugh. He begins taking of his shirt, and I have to admit , I'm not gonna protest because damn that boy is fine. He walks over to the bathroom and closes the door . I turn on the tv and begin watching that's so raven . He walks out in just sweat pants on and I watch him, liking what I'm seeing "Do you like the view?" He asks teasing . " No, I was just looking at the brand of pants you have on" I tell him blushing "Say whatever you want beautiful, but I know you were checking me out"He says getting into bed and looks at the tv . " That's so Raven? Really? How old are you 10? " He teases. "Ha Ha Ha Nice one Bieber, you really got me there. And yes it's That's So Raven because she is a legend. This will always be my favourite show" I tell him resting me head on his warm chest.

It's 4am and I'm still wide awake. Justin is beside me but he's rolled over , facing the other way.I'm anxious , jumpy, feel worthless and depressed. A tear falls from my eye , and I turn Justin over and and rest my head on his chest and wrap my arms right around him "Are you okay"he asks still half asleep. "No" I reply . "Do you want to talk about it?"He says quietly falling back asleep "No, just hold me" I reply. He does what he was told and holds me. I can hear his heart beating, it's actually really soothing, knowing he's with me, hearing and feeling his heart beat is really making me feel calm again.

"Good morning cutie" I hear Justin say as he rolls over on top of me then kisses my nose. "Morning handsome" I laugh. "What time is it?"
"It's time for a kiss" He says while leaning in to kiss me, I don't deny his request so I grab his neck and begin playing with his hairs at the back of his head , he glides his tongue at my bottom lip asking for entry. I let him in and things start to get heated . I roll over so that I'm on top of him now, and he takes of my shirt not letting his lips leave mine. "Um sorry to interrupt but we will be landing in about an hour" the flight attendant says looking the other way . I jump off of Justin and pull the blanket over me since I'm only in my pink lace bra. I have never been so embarrassed . Way to ruin the moment man."So what time is it actually?" I ask him as I put back on my shirt. " 3pm" Justin tells me"Are you serious!?" I scream with excitement "Yeah, I don't blame you though you were up late last night"He laughs . "I only got 11 hours of sleep, I guess that isn't too much" I laugh with him. "It's not, don't worry" he says standing up and walking up to the front of the plane.

I get up and walk to the bathroom and look in the little cabinets to see where Justin got his sweats yesterday . Fortunately there are some of his clothes here, and some girls clothes as well. I take a pair of Justin's black sweats and for a shirt, I put on a crop tank top. "Was this Selena's shirt?" I ask him as I walk towards Justin. "No actually the clothes in there are my moms" he laughs. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm borrowing your sweat pants" I tell him. "Keep em, they look a lot hotter on you" He smiles playing with my sweat pants strings while pulling me closer to him then kissing me.
"Thanks Justy" I smile.
"What are we doing first when we get to Florida?" I ask while getting something to eat out of the mini fridge. " First getting your pills, second getting new phones, third going shopping for clothes for you and me, forth were renting a beach house fifth we are going to have fun" Justin tells me as he opens a water.
"Sounds lovely" I smile
I know I say this every chapter but literally this chapter was so short , and please forgive me I have family over , and they want me to spend time with them and stuff so I wrote fast and secretly <3 please vote and comment ! It would mean a lot to me <3

Your love is all I need (Justin Bieber fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ