Chapter 34/ #ripjustinandelena

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I wake up 2 days later with a machine attached to me, and Demi and Selena crying beside me. "Nurse! Doctor! She's awake" Selena yells. The doctor rushes in while Demi and Selena are linking arms with each other. "Wh-what happened?" I ask. "What do you remember?" Demi asks while the doctor does something with my machine. "I remember Justin and I arguing, then a light in Justin's window. Where is Justin?"I ask. Everyone is silent. "Don't move Mrs. I'm going to un attach you from the machine" the doctor informs me. She takes the machine out of me before I ask again "What happened and where is Justin?". "A truck hit you and Justin....the baby is okay but" Selena tells me. "Where is Justin" I say angrily. "Room 212, but you can't see him"Demi says. I throw the blankets off of me, then run to Justin's room. I close the door behind me and walk to Justin's bed, I look at his cut up face and watch his heartbeat on the monitor. I feel tears falling from my cheeks then feel Selena's hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong with him?" I cry. "He's been in a como since the accident. We don't know if he'll ever wake up" Demi breaks it to me. "You mean.. Justin might never wake up, he'll always be like this?" "He can't be like this forever. He needs to come back" I start balling my red eyes out. "The doctor says you're allowed to leave today" Demi tries to make me feel better. "I'm staying with Justin" I fuss. "Justin can hear everything you're saying. And I can assure you Justin wouldn't want you to stay here. Go home, take a bubble bath, take it easy, just relax" Demi tells me. "I love you Justy" I kiss is cut up face before leaving.

We spend about 4 more hours in the hospital before leaving and going home. The doctors gave me some pain medication for my body "I feel wrong leaving" I confess. "Justin wouldn't want you to be miserable and I know that for a fact. I'm dropping you and Selena off and home then I'm going to get you a new phone since yours got broken in the crash" Demi explains.

Demi drops Selena and I off at Justin's place, I walk inside and go straight upstairs to bed. Before I get into bed, I put on a pair of Justin's sweatpants and one of his Believe concert shirts. I sit on the bed then take my apple laptop from underneath the bed. I open it then check my twitter, it's blowing up with tweets from my fans. I look at some tweets that are saying that Justin's dead. There's #ripjustinandelena tweets everywhere, it's trending. I send out a quick tweet letting everyone know whats going on 'Hey everyone, Justin and I are okay, we are both alive and doing okay. Justin won't be tweeting a lot because he doesn't feel too great right now. Thanks for your support. Love you'.

I slowly put my laptop back under our bed and close my eyes, since it is 10pm and I'm tired.

I wake up at about 5am to a phone call to my new cell, which I'm guessing Demi put next to the bed "He-hello?". "Hello is this Elena?" The familiar voice asks. "Yes it is" I reply with confusion. "This is Justin's mom, Pattie. You might want to come to the hospital right now. They have news for us" She informs me.

I get out of bed and decide to drive myself to the hospital even though I was told not to. I get there, then run upstairs as fast as I possibly can.i see Pattie outside of Justin's room "Hey I'm Elena" I introduce myself. "Hey, Pattie" She hugs me. "Sorry we haven't met yet, I've been busy. But I've heard wonderful things about you. I'm so glad to finally meet you under the circumstances" She talks. "Yeah you too" I smile. "What news do they have?" I ask. "Go ahead, you're allowed in" Pattie informs me.

I walk in and see Justin's eyes are open "Justin..?" Happy tears fall from my eyes. "Hey Babe" He smiles. I run up to him and hug him. "Ow Elena" he laughs. "Sorry Justin. I'm just so happy! They said you might never wake up" I smile. "Well after you left last night, I kept telling myself 'Justin you need to wake up, Justin wake up' and it took a few hours but I'm awake now" Justin explains. "Are you allowed to come home?" I ask. "Tomorrow night. They said I have a concussion, and I need to take it easy for about a week. But after that I'm fine to do whatever I want" Justin tells me. "So I guess ill be playing nurse for you at home?" I ask getting into the hospital bed gently and lay with him. He grabs my hand, then I rest my head on his shoulder "I guess so, if you have to" He laughs a little. "Justin I'm so sorry, it was my fault about the accident. I should have just given you my phone" I apologize. "It was both of our faults okay. Not just yours. But what did your phone say?"He asks playing with my fingers in his hand. "Someone knows about the baby. And both of our tours. I received an anonymous text from A" I confess to him. "Is the baby okay?" He asks nervously. "Oh yeah" I smile. "Back to what you told me, isn't that from the show you make me watch with you all the time?" Justin questions me. "Yeah, it is. But I don't think this person is kidding around. They didn't threaten me or anything, but I do have a text on my phone that I didn't check yet. It could be from 'A'" I inform Justin. "We'll check it now" Justin suggests. "I left my phone in the car" I tell him. " We can check it tomorrow together, when I get home okay?" He asks. "Now go home, take bubble bath, relax" He adds. "I want to wait to take a bubble bath with you" I kiss his lips softly. "I can't argue with that" He laughs. We sit there silence just cuddling with each other until Justin falls asleep. I get up, kiss his cheek, then walk outside.

"Pattie, did you know that he was okay?" I ask. "Yeah, he just wanted you to be surprised" she smiled. "I'm gonna go see Justin, but you me and Justin should go get dinner soon" Pattie suggests. "I would love that" I smile. "Take care sweetie" She tells me before going to see Justin. "You too Pattie" I walk away.

I decide to do a live chat with my fans when I get home because Scooter wanted me to announce the tour the other day, tickets go on sale in two days so there is no more time to waste. Demi and Selena are both still at my house, I think that's sweet of them to stay with me until Justin gets home "Did Scooter visit us?" I ask. "He was there yes. He left like 20 minutes before you woke up. He left the flowers that are on your counter downstairs" Selena informs me. "Oh, that's nice" I reply. I open my laptop and begin the live chat.

"Hey guys! So tweet me your questions and ill answer them". "First question, are you and Justin okay?". "Yes Justin and I are both fine. Justin is still in the hospital but he will be out tomorrow" I tell them. "Okay next question, favourite movie. My favourite movie is breakfast at Tiffany's" I tell them.

I answer questions and reply to fans tweets for another hour before I decide to announce mine and Justin's tour. "I have to go soon, but before I do I have really good news. I'm going on tour ! My 'lovin it' tour will start March 8th. Justin's tour 'Journals' will be starting March 9th" I tell them while smiling. "Tickets are on sale next week, Tuesday January 20th" I add.

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