Chapter 1: New Home.

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I sigh as I set down the last box in the living room. I look around seeing a lot more boxes stacked on top of each other, waiting to be unpacked. I think about unpacking, I really do, but decide not to and sitting down on the floor.

Mental Note 1: Buy furniture.

Mental Note 2: Replace the floors for carpet, hardwood floors are not your friend.

I lay on my back, only to realize that the floors are cold, I shiver, but refuse to get up because I am so tired. Kayla, my best friend, walks in the living room by me and lays next to me. "Hi." I say exhausted. "Want to get some dinner then we can unpack when we get home?" She asks me, I shrug, "I don't know... I'm not really hungry at the moment." Only to lose that protest with my stomach proving its point. "You were saying?" She says with a laugh to follow. "Fine, let's go." Declaring that I am hungry, we grab our phones, wallets and keys and we're off to the nearest place.

We decide to go to McDonald's because 1, its right down the road, and 2, we both have had a taste for chicken nuggets for a long time and never did anything about it. We order the same thing, Chicken Nuggets meal, meaning we get golden fries and a drink. She gets Pepsi –go figure, girl loves her Pepsi- and I get a sweet tea, growing up in farm land, you get to love sweet tea. I have ranch dressing with my nuggets, hers with ketchup. I know, ranch with mine. Judge all you want but you don't know what real goodness tastes like until you have had ranch with nuggets. I ask her to get some mayonnaise too, nodding she looks at me like I have three heads or something. I defend my case, saying it's awesome and she doesn't have to eat it that way. Though, I guess she can give me crap, because I judge her for liking Ketchup.

I sit there deep in thought about something after she drives forward while we wait for our food. "Tori. Are you listening?" She asks me, waiting for my long awaited answer. "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry." I try to play it cool, but let's be honest, she knows I'm lying, we've been best friends since first grade. So she knows me better then I know myself. It creeps me out sometimes, but she's my best friend, so it shouldn't bother me as much as it does sometimes. To be fair, I know her better then she knows herself too, so I guess we were both blessed with that superpower.


Hey guys! So I am finally putting this up on Wattpad. I'm excited to share this with you, because I have been working on this for a while. I hope you enjoy!! :D

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