Chapter 2: Us Unpacking and surprises

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We finally get our food and didn't even move to a parking spot before we started eating. Some guy behind us, honked at us to move, and us being us, we rolled down the windows, and simply flipped him off. We did move in the end, only because he starting honking some more and didn't want to hear it.

So, I am going to shed some light on what we are, and who we are. Because this makes our lives so much more interesting. My name is Tori and I am a Natural/Cataclyst Caster, when girls turn sixteen, they get to either become Dark, or Light. So, I broke the order somehow, and now I guess I'm both dark and light. One eye is green, the other is gold. But anyway, what I can do is, Kelting, Time control, Elemental Manipulation, Reality Warping and so much more I haven't figured out yet.

Anyway, enough about me, let's talk about what Kayla is and what she can do. Kayla, is a Clairvoyant, she can see ghosts, talk to them and try to get rid of them as much as possible. She can see people and events. Has three different classes called; Precognition, has the ability to perceive or predict future events. Retrocognition, has the ability to see past events. Then Remote Viewing, the perception of contemporary events outside of the range of normal perception.

Kayla is 19, and I am 18. She is only a couple months older than me. But anyway, back to what I was saying before. That guy really seemed like he hated us, but who cares? So, after swooning on how good the food was and how full we are now, we head home, dreading the fact that we have to unpack. Since the drive to McDonalds was only 10 minutes, we were home in no time. So we then decided on who should unpack what. We decide on my taking the kitchen, her the living room, our rooms, then the bathrooms. The three bathrooms, and the guest room downstairs. We get to work and about half way through unpacking there's a knock on the door. "Tori? Can you get that?" Kayla asking from the other room, "Yeah." I respond, jumping off the island to go get the door, seeing as the door has a window and curtains, I quickly peak to see who it was.

From back home Texas, we have Alfred and Luke. I open the door, gasping and attacking them both in hugs. "Kayla! It's Alfred and Luke! They're home!" I yell, running into the living room, excited she gets up off the floor and runs to the door. "ALFRED! LUKE!" She yells, hugging them as well. They come inside once we're done hugging them. We sit on the floor, only because we have no furniture. We start talking about how life is doing for them and us, "So how are you girls doing?" Alfred asks.

"We're doing great. I still can't believe were in Louisiana! I love it here so far." I say. Here is some insight on Alfred and Luke. They are both in the military, we have been best friends with them for years. We don't get to see them as much as we'd like to, but we are still glad they remember us. We do keep in touch with them as much as possible, they are mortals, no special powers or anything. They are best friends as well, like Kayla and I. They were stationed in Iraq, Alfred is 20 and Luke is 19.


Hey everyone! This is Chapter 2 of Interesting Lives! I'm happy I have the guts to post this online. Haha xD. Anyway, If you were wondering, this story will be in Tori's POV. Unless I make some sneaky changes, and make another POV. Not sure that's going to happen, but anything's possible.

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