Chapter 7: Getting it and Dance Party's Interupted

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Kayla runs up and grabs her phone, typing in the number she needs to call for getting the device that we need. I try to control the boys, seeing as they are screaming and trying to distract her. "Shut up and go outside!" She yells, before getting the guy on the phone. I take them both back out to the back heard and they go and lay down on the grass. "You two are so weird." I say to them, only to lay down on the grass with them. "How are we weird when your doing it to?" Luke asks. I shrug, "This is normal for me...." I says crossing my arms. Soon Kayla runs outside by us and screams, "I GOT IT! IT WILL BE HERE TOMORROW!" She starts jumping around. Knowing her, this was an easy thing for her. I don't blame her, she's good at this stuff.

"WOO!" Alfred, Luke and I jump to our feet and yell. We go back inside and I grab my phone and plug it into our speaker that we got, and turn on Panic! At The Disco's Victorious, seeing as it's fitting. (Don't judge...) We start singing along with the song and end up having a dance party. But that soon turns out to be a lost cause. The house starts to shake, we stop and I pause the music. Kayla and I quickly put up an invisible force field around the house, out of instinct. I start thinking how this is happening, then it hits me. The door. I run up stairs to my room and grab the key, run down to the library and unlock he library, going in.

"Ah. Fresh meat." I hear a demonic voice say, I look around the half dark library. Kayla follows me in, slamming the door behind his, the boys try to get in. I yell, "You can't come in here... Not yet. This is our battle, we have the powers, not you. We're not letting you get hurt." I say through the door, locking it from the inside so they can't get in. I turn around, facing the menacing beast. It's tall, dark and looks broken. I look at its feet, it's floating. "Now, look at what we have here.... Two little girls. What can I do with you two? Hurt you? Traumatize you? Any suggestions?" It says in a dark demonic voice.

"How about get out? That's a good one." I say, I notice mine and Kayla's hair is curling. We're both upset, mad even, ready to fight. Our moods are changing, you can tell if you look at us. "Hmmmm.... That's a good one, but not one that I would like to do. What do you think?" It starts talking to someone in the darkness, soon the thing or more like things come out of he shadows. Twins, they're twins. Males, black hair, tall. They almost look like the thing, which is now gone. But then it clicks, the thing that was in the middle, is their father. Kayla and I look at each other, figuring out the same thing. We know these two, we went to high school with them, back in Texas. Casper and Jasper. Now I know what your thinking and yes. They got made fun of in our high school. From when they moved here in Freshman year all the way up to when we graduated. They were transferred to our school after what happens in their hometown. From elementary to high school, they were bullied.

Their parents thought the names were cute... For a couple of blonde babies. But they grew up, got older and their parents didn't regret that decision at all. The twins hated their names. I honk that being made fun of, no friends or anything didn't help their emo dark ways and rage they so clearly have. I don't blame them, I felt bad for them in high school. We tried to make friends with them, but they were so shy, and didn't talk to anyone else but each other.

"Casper? Jasper? What happened?" I asked, "SHUT UP! Their aren't our names. We're Ivan and Sven now." Casper says, pointing to who is who. We look at them, but my anger now is taking over me. I force push them back into a stack of books. I've said this once and I'll say it again. Telekinesis is awesome, it's so powerful. "Don't you dare tell me to shut up... That is the one thing that you don't tell me what to do." I tell them, now more serious then ever. Jasper gets up, flies over by me and looks at me, snd spots my arm. He grabs it, flipping it over and studying my tattoo on my wrist. (Picture is up above.)

"Why?" He asks me, running his fingers over it. "You were so innocent and lovable. So clean, like a canvas that wasn't painted on. But then you get this... This abomination, and paint on your skin. Why Tori? Why do this to yourself?" He creepily asks me.

"Because I wanted to. It's my body, I can do what I want with it." I say, snatching my arm out of his hands. He used to like me in high school, it got around really fast and some jocks told me about it. Kayla and I got along pretty well with the jocks, surprisingly. So all of the drama got flown around and then to us pretty quickly.

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