Chapter 10: Long First Nights

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It's coming close to being six a.m. Luke still hasn't gotten possessed, which is good. Alfred ditched us and went back to bed at four thirty. Now it's just Kayla and I, struggling to stay awake. Between unpacking, battles and surprise possession, it was a long first night. Kayla and I have had to flick each other on the arm every now and then to keep each other awake.

We were both starting to fall asleep, each of us at Luke's side, when my phone starts to blast Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy. Kayla groans, "THE ONE TIME I DON'T WANT TO HEAR FALL OUT BOY!" Thus flopping onto the couch and puts a pillow over her head as I go get it. I answer my phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I yawn, "Well. That is no way to answer the phone young lady." My mom says into the phone. I sigh, "Mom... Why are you calling at-" I check the time and continue, "6 in the morning?"

"I just wanted to see how my girls are doing since they abandoned their parents in Texas..." She says with a salty attitude. I sigh and hang my head low. "Call back in six hours... Bye mom, love you." I tell her and pull the phone away from my ear, hearing her protests. I hang up and put my phone on he counter.

"See you in six hours." I tell Kayla and fall asleep as soon as I sit down on the couch.

*Six hours later.*

Once again, my phone starts playing Fall Out Boy. I sigh and figure that it's just my mom, so I don't answer it. I do get up and see some made coffee. I poor myself a cup and add creamer and sugar to it. "COFFEE!" I hear Kayla yell from the living room. She comes running in and makes herself some as well. I chuckle as she sits down next to me. Girl loves her coffee.

"I have a question for you." She says, "I may have an answer." I respond and look at her. "Do you know where I can get an anti possession charm?" She asks and sips her coffee. "Why?" She looks at me, sets the cup down and points to the still passed out Luke on the couch. "I want to get him one."

"Got ya." I pause, thinking of where I can get one. "Yeah, I know a guy... He has a price though." I continue. "That's fine. What is it?" She asks.

"Two." I say and drink someone of my coffee. "Two what?" She says. I shake my head. "Two hundred. Those are not easy to find." "TWO HUNDRED?" She almost chokes on her coffee. I nod. "But don't worry, he'll give you a discount."

"What kind of discount?" She asks. "New comer discount. Since you've never bought from him before, he takes off a hundred." I tell her before getting up and filling our cups again. "Okay." She nods. "We can go later. It's not hard to get to." I tell her, handing her cup back to her. "Okay. That guy is also supposed to be dropping off the dream machine today too." She tells me. I nod.

Interesting Lives. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon