Chapter 15: Battle Arises

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* Tori's POV*

So here we are, Kayla and I facing the demon in front of us.. Saraphine. She walks up to us, arms crossed and evil clearly in her eyes. She smirks when she senses the small fear in my eyes, "Scared my daughter?" She asks and laughs evilly.

I clench my jaw and shake my head before speaking with confidence, "Of course not." I cross my arms. "I see you have some backup." Saraphine says, looking over at my best friend. Kayla puts her hands on her hips and stands proudly, "We're here to take you down, you witch." She spits and Saraphine cringes at the name.

"Pathetic little girls.. You can't take me down.. I'm too powerful for you." She laughs. I squint a bit and cause a lightning storm to start over her head. She shrieks a few times as she gets shocked with the bolts. It eventually stops and she recovers quickly, "Ooh, this will be fun." She smiles and chuckles.

Kayla and I look at each other before she stomps her foot on the ground towards us. We notice and jump out of the way quickly as a break in the ground opens up. We look over at her. Kayla mumbles a few words to herself and it causes a tree from the distance to fly towards Saraphine. She jumps out of the way before it hits her. She scowls at Kayla and runs towards her.

Kayla and I stand up from the ground as Kayla mumbles a few more words, causing a few ghosts to appear. They cover Kayla and shove Saraphine out of the way. She groans as she lands on her back. Her already golden eyes become more golden. They disappear and Kayla smirks.

I wave my hand a bit and mumble a few a few words before fire flies over to Saraphine. She dodges it by sending it another way. I sigh and shake my head, Saraphine standing up. She starts to run towards me and I quickly make a tree root grow and wrap around her ankle, causing her to fall on her face.

Kayla and I chuckle as she growls with anger. "This is why I left you all those years ago, Tori!" She yells at me. "Because of this reason." She says and stands up, raising her hands from her sides and causing parts of the ground fly towards Kayla and I. We both quickly dodge them, me also pushing them away from us.

"Because you knew I would win?" I ask and she gets her leg from the root. We stand there for a while, all staring back at each other. We catch our breath a bit, waiting for someone to make the next move.

Saraphine soon smirks evilly as she comes up with a new idea. "I can't defeat you this way.. So I'll use one of your weaknesses.." Saraphine looks over at Kayla and before either of us can do anything, causes a tree to fly towards Kayla. She gets hit and flies back into the ground. I stare in shock and run over to her. Saraphine laughs with joy and victory as she watches us, ready to attack me next.

I kneel down next to her and check to see if Kayla is okay. She's alive but just barely. She pulls out a protection charm and slides it into my hand, "Take this... You'll need it more than me." She mumbles a bit.

I nod a bit and take it, placing the charm in my pocket. "Stay alive for me.." (TØP REFERENCE) She says and then passes out. I sigh softly and my gold and green eyes become more gold and green then they already are.

I stand up and turn to Saraphine. "I hate you so much.." I say and shake my head.

I make a circle of fire around her before she can run away. She laughs and tries to make it go away. When she can't put it out she starts to panic. "Tori.. I'm sorry.. Please don't do this. Let me live." She says. "Please. Despite what I say, I've always loved you. I really have." She says.

I stare at her, obviously knowing she's trying to trick me into believing her. I cause the fire to move closer to her. She panics more and I glare at her, "Shut up.. I know you never did." I say. "Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying I promise! Please! Don't let me die, my daughter!" She says, starting to beg. I move the fire closer to her and shake my head again.

"Burn in Hell, you witch." I say before she is engulfed in flames. She screams out in pain as she gets burned alive. I stare at her for a bit then look away. I sigh softly and eventually the screaming stops, leaving her in ashes on the ground. I walk over to Kayla and kneel down next to her, lifting her in my arms.

I carry her to the car as she's still knocked out. I set her in the passengers seat then get in and drive us home. When we get home I pull in and park, getting out and bringing her to her room. I set her on the bed and mumble a soft, "I'm sorry." Before leaving her room. I head to mine and change then climb into bed for the night.

I eventually find myself not able to sleep as the events of today replay in my head over and over. The screams of my dead mother haunt me all night, keeping me awake with my thoughts.


Welp, that only took me four months to write and post but hey 😉 It's here now.

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