Chapter 9: No more surprises...

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I walk down stairs, not able to sleep. We watched horror movies all night tonight and that wasn't because I wasn't able to sleep. I can take horror movies pretty well. I feel like there's something not yet finished. Like I need to do something. I sigh, only to realize that all of this has happened and we haven't even been moved in for a day.

I look at the clock; three a.m. I find that I have my headphones in my pocket, I take them out. Plug them into my phone and put on Taxi Cab by Twenty One Pilots. I only have one earbud in, and then I hear someone walking. I look out of the kitchen and see no one. "Can't sleep either?" Someone from behind me asks. I slightly jump and turn around. Luke. "Jeez Luke... Why did you sneak up on me like that?" Shaking my head, I make my way to him and attempt to give him a hug. But I get pushed off of him, I stare at him. He's always loved my hugs, even through the pain, but he's pushing me away?

"Luke? Are you okay?" I slowly ask him. Next thing I know, his eyes grow darker. Not his beautiful emerald color they once were. "Uh, yeah... I'm fine. It just hurts, getting hugs from you." Luke responds, voice shaky. He rubs the back of his neck, a gesture he's never done before. "You've.. You've never done that?" I say go him, though it came out more as a question. "Excuse me?" He asks, "You have always loved my hugs. You even suffer through the pain. Why now?" I ask him and hop up onto the island.

I see him staring at my headphones, "Take them out when you're talking to me." He says, mouth twitching when he talks. I look back into his eyes, they're close to black. "Come here for me?" I ask him, seeing the Stone is over on the other counter. I force it over and it almost lands in my hand when another reaches out in front of me. Which that hand belongs to Luke. Now I know there's something wrong with him.  He never grabs anything that I force to me. He's always claimed they're to fast for him grab, and the last time he tried it, he hurt himself.

"Give me the stone." I tell him. Forcefully, might I add. "Hmm... No." He responds, a smirk climbing to his face. "I really like you, Tori. You're so perfect." He adds, moving his hand to my face, his hands are cold. "No. My Luke does, whoever you are on the other hand... You don't. You're just trying to get me to think that." I shake my head and jump onto him, tackling him to the ground. The stone goes flying, I get up and race after it. Only to meet with the floor again as my foot gets pulled out from under me. I reach my hand out, only being a couple inches from the stone.

"NO!" He yells as I successfully grab it and flip over onto my back. I point the stone at him and he starts to screech. Then a black cloud leaves his body. "Sinite hoc loco daemonium habes!" I hear Kayla yell in Latin behind me. I sigh, dropping my head to the ground and once I regain myself I get up. Looking down I see an unconscious Luke laying on the floor. Alfred picks him up and sets him on the couch.

"Thank you, Kayla." I smile and we hug. "No problem, no one messes with you or my sleep." She responds, and sits down. "Now, let's start from the beginning, what happened?" Alfred asks. I explain it all to them and they stare at me. Both of them knowing that Luke never does any of the things he just did. We decide to stay up the rest of the night with Luke so nothing else tries to take over his body.

Interesting Lives. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن