Chapter 13: A Day Off?

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I wake up the next morning, tired from what had happened the day before. I walk downstairs and make coffee, waiting for everyone else to get up.

Laying my head down on the counter I hear someone or something whispering. I look up and see nothing, so I lay my head back down on the counter. "Hey Tori." I hear Luke from behind me. "Oh. Hey." I say to him, not bothering to sit up. "What's up?" He asks me, getting a cup from the cupboard.

"Meh. Tired." I say, not really wanting to talk until I get coffee in my system. "I see." He sits in front of me, coffee cup in hand, waiting for the coffee.

"Luke..." I say to him, catching his attention. "Yes?" He says back to me, "I hope you know your life is never going to be normal as long as Kayla and I are around." He nods in understanding, he speaks, "I know... And im willing to take on that challenge."

Picking my head up, I nod. "If you say so.... But I'm sorry in advance." He chuckles, "Why are you sorry in advance?"

"...Because." I leave it there, teasing him as I fill my cup. "What?" He asks, I laugh and walk back to my room. I hear his heavy footsteps echoing throughout house. So declaring that he's following me, I close my door and lock it.

"Hey!" He yells. "Sh! Some people are still trying to sleep!" I can hear kayla yell back at him. I start laughing and he walks away. Unlocking my door I make my way to my bed and lie down, grabbing my phone and scroll through Facebook, reacting to a few things in the process.

Soon I get a phone call, I answer it.

Unknown: "Hello."

Tori: "Hello? May I ask who this is?"

Unknown: "No."

Tori: "No? Why not?"

Unknown: "Because, there's not much time. You need to listen to me, okay?"

Tori: "Tell me who you are first."

Unknown: "Just listen!"

Tori: "Okay! What?"

Unknown: "Listen, you and the whole town is in danger. Sarafine is coming after you."

Tori: "Wait... How do you know who Sarafine is?" I jump up from my laying position once the mysterious voice tells me that.

Unknown: "Don't worry about that, but you and Kayla need to be ready, okay? You have a week at the most."

Then as I'm trying to get in my next couple words, the call dies. I look at my phone to see what the number was. 'No Caller ID' lays across the screen and I lose the tiniest of hope that was in my body.

Getting up, I go to my bedroom door. As I'm about to grab the door handle, a freaked out Kayla bursts in, holding her phone. I back up, not wanting to get hit. I close my door once she moves and tell her, "I just got a really creepy call from someone. I don't know who it was, it says 'No Caller ID'."

Her head snaps towards me and her face goes pale like she's just seen her worst nightmare. "So did I!"

My eyes go wide and I ask, "What did they say?!"

So she tells me what they said, and in that moment, I know this is not just a scam and they contacted us by accident... This was real, absolutely one hundred percent real. Sarafine was actually coming after us, and the whole town was in danger because of us...

We needed a plan, and we only had one week to come up with one.

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