Chapter 8: Battles

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"How do you two have powers anyway? It's impossibly unless you're born with it, and if I remember correctly... You never had this power in high school. We know, we can sense it.." Kayla tells them, still raging with anger. "LET US IN!" Alfred screams, both of them kicking the door. I decide to put a cast on the door, keeping it unable to open by mortals.

"Tori.. You should know this one. What keeps a Caster and a Clairvoyant from sensing another powerful beings powers?" Jasper asks, who is standing behind me rubbing my shoulders. I shake him off of me, "Stone of Greenbriar.." I sigh, realizing what they had all along. "DING DING DING!! WE HAVE A WINNER!" Jasper yells, making the library shake once more.

"Tori? What's the Stone of Greenbriar?" Kayla asks, turning to me. "The Stone of Greenbriar is one of the most powerful things -right behind the Apple of Eden- known to man. It's really hard to get, and when you do get it somehow... You're powerful. You can hide the sense of powers in your bloodstream, and so much more. There are only two left in the world, and they have one of them..." I shake my head, finishing my explanation.

"That's right... Now we're the most powerful people here. Sucks to be at the bottom doesn't it?" Casper taunts us. I start to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" Jasper asks, moving away. My eyes turn gold, a smirk rises,  my laugh becomes more evil and my voice goes darker. "You're so funny... You think your the powerful ones? News flash, we are. We're not afraid to take you down... We're not the ones at the bottom..." I look up into their eyes.

"Shoot.. Jasper?" Casper says. "Uh huh?" Jasper responds. "She's mad. So very mad. They both are." Casper backs up. "Don't look into her eyes.." Jasper looks away. Kayla and I reach our hands out. Pushing them into thin air. "Give us the stone." I stare into Casper's eyes. "I'll give you the stone.." He says, dead eyed, now completely controlled. I smirk as he reaches into Jasper's pocket who can't do anything with his hands above his head. Kayla holds out one hand, ready to catch it. The stone comes flying towards her. Reaching out, she catches it one handed. We drop them and push them out of the room.

Kayla looks at the demon, who is still standing in the room. With a snap of her fingers the demon disappears into thin air. I force the doors closed, and I put a cast on it. So no one can get in front the outside. I open the door that's restricting the boys. We both go falling to the ground, seeing as that took a lot out of us. Our hair has gone back to its original form, voices grow calmer. My eyes go back to their green and gold colors.

-Third Person- (A//N: Surprise! POV change!)

The two boys come crashing through the door. Alfred goes by Kayla, Luke by Tori. They both kneel down to comfort them, hold them. The boys start to scold the two broken girls. Soon, the girls sit up, now feeling like their energy is starting regain itself. Tori looks around the library, noticing the mess that needs to be cleaned up. Kayla leans into Alfred, him taking the very much wanted love and affection he never has gotten from her before they left. Luke holds onto Tori, who's sitting in his lap.

Tori closes her eyes, finding she can't stand the mess anymore... Snaps her fingers and every book and every shelf goes back to where they were before. "Let's go back upstairs and watch a movie... I've had enough magic for one night.." Alfred explains. Nodding, the rest follows. "Can we watch Harry Potter?" Kayla asks, being sarcastic and messing with him. "Didn't I just say I had enough magic for one night?" Alfred laughs, shakes his head and makes his way upstairs.

Tori shuts and locks the door, and looks one last time, remembering some of the events from tonight. She makes her way upstairs, joining the rest of the crew to watch movies until they fall asleep.

No more surprises tonight... Or so they thought.

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