Chapter 14: Prepping For Battle

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*Third Person POV*

So after Kayla and Tori got the phone call, they started prepping. They had a battle to fight and it had to be just them doing it. They couldn't have Luke and Alfred around for a chance of them getting hurt.

They were pretty much planning their deaths while talking about going into battle with Sarafine. They didn't need unexplained deaths on their hands if they happened to survive.

The girls told Luke and Alfred to leave the town for a while, just to stay safe. They didn't know what kind of power Sarafine gained since Tori was a child, but they knew it wasn't going to be good.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asks Tori, who is sitting in silence. Tori nods and goes back to writing. Killing your own flesh and blood can't be easy, but when it comes to someone who abandoned you for almost your whole life... It suddenly gets easier.

"So what are we going to do?" Tori asks with a bit of worry in her voice. Kayla looks at her, noticing the anxiety she has. It was too obvious not to notice.

Just as Kayla was about to answer Luke and Alfred walk down. "Hey.. We're gonna head out. Just wanted to say bye." Luke says. The girls nod and get up, going to hug the two guys. Luke flinches a bit as Tori hugs him, but ignores it and continues to hug the girl he may or may not see again. This was a life or death situation after all. Luke looks down at her when they part ways after what seemed like forever. "Be safe, okay?" He says. She nods and looks up at him. "I'll try."

They look at each other for a bit, the boy worrying for her. Kayla and Alfred have about the same interaction. After about five minutes of silence and the guys holding onto the girls, Alfred speaks up. "We- We should probably get going.." Luke nods, agreeing with him. "Yeah.. We should."

The girls nod and let them go. "We'll see you guys soon, alright?" Alfred says. "Let us know what happens... And Stay Alive." (TWENTY ONE PILOTS REFERENCE)

Kayla and Tori nod before watching the guys leave their house. Once the door shuts they look at each other then head to The Library. Tori unlocks the door and they walk in. They look around and sigh a bit before sitting down and starting to come up with a plan.

Kayla starts to write down the plan and what they'll need. Kayla looks up and looks at Tori, who is lost in thought. "Nervous?" She asks. Tori looks over and nods, "Of course.." She stops and thinks a bit as the two girls sit in silence. "What if we never see them again?" Tori asks, breaking the silence after a bit.

"Don't talk like that.. I'm sure we'll see them again." Kayla says, trying to reassure her. "But there's always going to be that fifty-fifty chance that we don't make it out alive. Saraphine is probably more powerful than she was." Tori goes on.

Kayla stops her, "Tori.. Stop. She may be more powerful now, but you know what's more powerful than one person with powers?" She asks and Tori looks at her again. "Two people with powers that are stronger than the generation before them." Kayla says and Tori nods.

*Tori's POV*

I have no doubt in my mind that Kayla is right. We both are stronger than our mothers. That's why Saraphine is so upset with me. Because I've always been more powerful than she ever was at my age. I bite my lip softly as I replay her words over in my head. I know we'll be okay, but I can't help but worry. It's just who I am.

I sigh and look down at the table, "You're right. I'm just worried." I say, stating the obvious. She nods and smiles a bit, "Now. Let's get to work." Kayla says as she gets up and grabs some of the caster books that would help us. I grab one and start to read.

Yes, very short chapter. Apologies

Anywho. I is back with a new chapter I should have finished a long time ago and it was only half done. Whoops.

Also, if you haven't noticed, I changed my username. So still the same person, but I just wanted to change things up a bit.

I have a new story out as well. It's a Brendon Urie fanfiction. I've been working on it for a while behind Wattpad, but I decided to add it to my collection of stories. So if you're into him, go ahead and read it. Hope you enjoy and I'll try to be better about updating xD

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