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Tyler: "I'm dying."

Skylar: "What!"

Tyler: "I mean, like, not actually dying but dying eternally."

Skylar: "So you're okay right now?"

Tyler: "No."

Skylar: "Damn it Tyler, are you about to go to the light of the afterlife or not?"

Tyler: "Technically no."

Skylar: "So you're not dying?"

Tyler: "I'm a wreak."

Skylar: "See, that's how you should have started this conversation. I just had a heart attack!"

Tyler: "It doesn't matter! I'm having an existential crisis at the moment and I need to talk about it to someone and my next therapy session's not till tomorrow!"

Skylar: "Well that's why I'm here. Go on now, tell me about your problems and woes."

Tyler: "I don't want to be here."

Skylar: "Where?"

Tyler: "This town."

Skylar: "Nobody does."

Tyler: "Yeah, but like, if I'm stuck here for the rest of my life I'm never going to leave my bed. I'm just going to be unemployed, depressed, and refusing to accept reality."

Skylar: "So your fear is that you're going to be a lifer?"

Tyler: "A what?"

Skylar: "A lifer. Someone who lives in the same town for their whole life. That's what you're afraid of, right?"

Tyler: "Exactly."

Skylar: "Then leave. Get out of this town and live a little."

Tyler: "Skylar I'm seventeen. Besides, you shouldn't be the one telling me to 'live a little'."

Skylar: "College. Go far away for college."

Tyler: "But I'll miss you."

Skylar: "I hate this trashy town just as much as you do. I'm coming with you."

Tyler: "Where are we going?"

Skylar: "Where do you want to go?"

Tyler: "Mmm California?"

Skylar: "No, too far from our families."

Tyler: "Alaska?"

Skylar: "Tyler."

Tyler: "Fine. New York City."

Skylar: "Okay, I'm fine with that. It's perfect."

Tyler: "So we are agreeing that we're going to New York for college?"

Skylar: "Yup. I have always wanted to be an author. New York's probably the perfect place to start."

Tyler: "You want to be an author? You like to read?"

Skylar: "Go back to our old texts and read some of the first ones where you made fun of me for loving books. I haven't talked about it since then because of your criticism."

Tyler: "I was different then. I'm sorry."

Skylar: "It's okay. You're still the same drama queen you were back then."

Tyler: "No I am not! And I want to hear about your plans for being an author later. We're talking about it tomorrow. I'm going to bed."

Skylar: "Maybe I'll start calling you Princess of the urinals. You know, because you're a drama queen? Or better yet, queen of the urinals!"

Tyler: "Shut up I'm going to bed!"

Skylar: "Goodnight sassy."

Tyler: "..."

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