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Regards to the offered bagel, it didn't take much for Mika to coax Yuu into the car. Besides, it tasted magnificent to sink his teeth into something else other than his own sweater sleeve when he got beaten.

Yuu noshed his treat in peace, cream cheese decorating his lips and cheeks like icing. The frail boy could just barely compose himself, all the hunger over the weeks coming back to avenge for the neglect right in that moment. A million tastes exploded in his mouth at once - all from a mere bagel Mika simply prepared before he left. His eyes fluttered shut, his throat repressing a groan of relief that almost released itself.


It took a snap out of his reverie for the black-haired boy to remember to keep a wary distance next to the felon in the driver's seat. Not to mention the skeptical factor that this criminalistic blond was not even driving yet. Only did it take for Yuu to finally finish his breakfast and roll up the foil for Mika to finally drive off.

Yuu sat pensively on his shaky hands, his legs shifting nervously without his permission.

"Thank you," he spoke over the sound of the air conditioning.

The gray Ford was suspiciously well kept for cruising around a town like this.

Mika had no reply. Well, if a sigh counted. His look practically said it all. He wanted to bash his own head into the steering wheel repeatedly.

This stupid kid... There shouldn't be anyone else I have to drive to school except for my fucking self. Maybe I don't even need to do this... Well, I'm already doing it... Like an idiot. Should just take advantage... Jesus, what am I doing...

Yuu flinched at the sudden sound of Mika clearing his throat, his heart pounding in his chest and neck. Knowing that this man could do horrid things to him at any second, Yuu was on edge.

Yet mesmerized.

"Alright," Mika began, lounging back in the leathered seat as he indolently steered down the rocky parkway. "My apologies for, uh, being so kind. That was a whole gimmick just to get you into the car."

Yuu's chest throbbed in tremor. Well, isn't that just calming to hear?

Mika peered over at the green-eyed boy, but only briefly. "How much did you see?"

There was a prolonged silence in the vehicle, only Yuu's heavy breathing and the occasional jingle of loose change in the cup holder to be heard.

He took a shaky deep breath and closed his virescent eyes, as if a gun was pressed to his temple as he spoke. That's what it felt like with Mika in his presence, anyway.

"A guy being choked over a window... A group of more guys talking below me... I forgot how many... And you counting money."

"Did you say anything?" Mika pressed.

"No, I swear. I swear to God. No one likes to listen to me, anyway. I still wouldn't tell them even if they did," rambled Yuu as he shakily played with his fingers. He could feel his heartbeat in his neck and wrists.

How dare he? Rat out someone as criminally gifted as this boy... He was already far too endorsed with him. Why ruin his own surprise?

If only he could've explained that to Mika without sounding completely ignorant. Or creepy.

The blond tightened his jaw, blue eyes locked on the street. "For your own survival, next time you see stuff like that go down, don't pull out a phone. That's asking to be killed," murmured the blond, cutting off a car on the road. A horn honked not a second later. "Not that I care about your life, or what you do with it."

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