The concert

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"EEEEEHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE ABOUT TO SEE R5 IN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My best friend Liz and I screech as my mom pulls in, ya I know I am 16 and could drive myself but I didn't want to deal with parking. "I think they will love your shirt. Are you going to get it signed?" Liz asks as we to a double check of our outfits to make sure they were perfect. I had a white t shirt with the R5 logo on the front and a drawing of mine of R5 on the back. It was actually three drawings in the back, one of the Pass Me By album cover, Loud and Louder. Liz had on a neon yellow t shirt with the R5 logo on it, along with their names of course.

"Nah, I'm going to buy two pick necklaces, one for each half of the band and I also wanna see if Ryland can sign one." I explained as we grabbed our bags and hopped out of the car. "Okay just text me when you want to be picked up." She called out the passenger window before disappearing down the street. Liz and I look at each other again and release another fan girl screech before we calm ourselves and walk into the theater. It was really small, probably less than a hundred people and we got to be in the sound check that will probably have like 20 people in it.

We wait at the doors but since we were a little late and very pushy people, Liz and I made it up to the front right as the doors open. Liz and I got merchandise and to the stage in I swear one minute. We took our spots but we were slightly away I was in front of Rocky because he was my favorite, Liz was standing between where Riker and Ross so she could see Ellington. And since he just broke up with Kelly she thought she had a chance (not really, he didn't break up with Kelly! Just part of the story.) All of a sudden they walk on stage and we are the only ones paying attention until one girl screamed and we were rushed from behind. Rocky took his spot as the others did too and Rydel and Ratliff came forwards.

"Okay now for the question and answer!" Riker said into his mic as they came to the front of the stage. Rocky hasn't seen me yet but I hope he does soon, Liz is drooling over Ellington. "Who's first?" Ross asks into the mic as 20 hands shot into the air. Rocky and everyone was scanning the crowd, his gaze locked with mine. "Rocky you pick first." Ross said, smirking. "Um you." He said pointing to me, his gaze never breaking. "What's the worst part of being famous?" I ask. "Not really being able to date, like when you find someone breathtaking and if we did date... Well long distance doesn't really work." Rocky answered, his voice edged with sadness.

"Oh..." I said as I finally break his gaze and look at my shoes. "Okay I'm next!" Ellington said while doing a little dance, "okay..... You" he said pointing to Liz "Would you ever date a fan?"She asked smiling, "If she as beautiful as you." He says winking at Liz "Good to know." She says smiling widely. Ratliff smiles and they continue with the question and answer. They soon disappear backstage once again to get ready for the show. "Psst." I hear to my left, I turn and search for the person. I see Rocky sticking his head out the stage door not to far from me, he motions for me to come over.

"Uh Rocky?" I ask totally shocked as I walked to the door, Rocky yanked me inside. "Hey here take this and sit right in front of my mic." He said winking at me, then hands me a piece of paper then ushers me back out the door before disappearing again. I walked back out to my spot and stood there completely stunned. I look down at the paper, 'When we do the signing, go to the end of the line so your last.' It read. I wonder why he wanted me to be last, guess ill have to wait. I went and told Liz about the little meeting and she said he was in love with me but I denied the crazy idea.

I mean THE Rocky Lynch in love with ME? Crazy just plain crazy. The opening acts came on but I found no interest in them I chatted with other R5 family who also didn't feel like watching them. Finally We are Family started to play and they did their opening, as they took their spots Rocky winked at me and Ratliff winked at Liz, we both exchanged a knowing fan girl look before turning back to the stage.

They played all their songs and my favorite Crazy 4 U, the most incredible thing happened. Rocky brought me on stage and motioned for me to sing too. We shared his mic "I kept my foot up on the brake. I never really took a chance in life and didn't live for today." We sang together, we finished the song and Rocky helped me off the stage, smiling. They finished the concert and we went to go to get in line but I remembered that Rocky wanted us last so Liz and I sat up against the stage until the last two people had gone though the line.

Rocky looked around and when he saw us he smiled. We walked up to the table and I took off my necklaces for them to sign, right as I got to the end of the line where Rocky was, I got a text from my mom that we had to leave now. I wrote down my number and gave it to Rocky. "Wait what's your name?" He called as we ran out the door, "Olivia Williams!" I yell over my shoulder as the door closed behind me. As we drove off and we talk I noticed that I left my necklaces behind. "Gosh dang it! I left my necklaces there! Great just great." I pout. Well at least I met Rocky Lynch... I thought as I fell asleep on the way home.

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