The date

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Olivia's POV

We pulled up to a cute little diner and parked. Rocky was a gentleman and opened the door for me. We walked in to the diner and found a booth near the window. As soon as we sat down our waitress came over to take our orders. "Hi I'm Kelly I will be your waitress would you li.......Rocky Lynch!" She screeched, "oh my gosh your Rocky lynch. I am such a huge R5 fan! I can't believe your here!" She said really excited. I cleared my throat and she turned to me, just noticing me for the first time. "Oh.... Yes?" She asked disgustedly.

"Hi, I'd like a water and a coke to start off with please." I said sickly sweet, she wrote it down and rolled her eyes before turning back to Rocky. "What would you like Rocky?" She flirted, Rocky looked down at his menu and then turned back to her. "A water and a coke also." He smiled as she went off to get those.

I watched her walk away because she wasn't heading towards the kitchen. Kelly walked over to a booth in the front and whispered to the girls sitting there. The girls turned around and they were wearing..... R5 shirts. "Dang it." I mumbled turning back to Rocky. "We probably aren't going to be able to eat." I groaned as the girls ran over to us.

We ended up having to duck out the back door to escape the crowd of girls.

We sat at a red light a couple of blocks away from the diner laughing. "Okay, well that was defiantly the strangest date I have ever been on." I laughed, Rocky turned to me and his face fell a little. "Yeah, I just kinda wanted it to be perfect though..." He said sadly. "Hey, how about we get a couple burgers or something and go to the park or something. You know, watch the stars." I suggested.

"That, is a fantastic idea. So Burger King?" He asked, I smiled and nodded. We grabbed a couple of meals and went to the park. For some reason Rocky even had a blanket in the back of his car. We walked through the park and up a hill, there was a perfect little willow tree on the top of the hill. I laid out the blanket and we began our little dinner.

After we finished eating, Rocky and I laid back on the blanket. Just staring up at the stars. We talked a little bit and as we talked, Rocky's hand crept closer to mine until we were holding hands, our fingers interlaced. I shivered a little and scooted a little closer to Rocky. "You know I really love stars." We both said at once. I laughed, "really? Well what do you love about stars?" I asked him, Rocky sighed. "The simplicity in their beauty. They are what they are and don't try to change. Plus, they remind me of how your eyes sparkle." He blushed.

I had my head on his chest now, hearing the strong steady beat of his heart matching mine made me feel so safe. "I just love to look at them. They clear my head and I get lost in them. But my favorite thing besides the stars, is when it's a full moon. It baths everything in a beautiful light and it just makes me happy." I confessed. Rocky chuckled, his chest vibrating beneath me. "It's funny how a like we are. I am so happy we met." He said. I turned to him and he turned to me. Our faces inches apart.

"Hey Rocky, I need to tell you something.... I really like you." I whispered, he inched a little closer. "I really like you too Olivia." He whispered back, we both leaned in and our lips touched. I could say I saw sparks but it was more like fireworks, explosions, a blazing fire in my heart. We soon pulled apart and I shivered again.

"Maybe we should head home. It's getting late and cold." I said as my teeth chattered. We packed up our garbage and folded the blanket, as we walked it seemed to get colder. Halfway to the car, Rocky took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. "Thanks." I smiled to him. "No problem." Rocky said as he interlaced our fingers.

Rocky pulled up to my house, he walked me to the door to. I gave him a small peck on the lips and opened the door. "Night Rocky, thanks for everything." I smiled to him as I closed the door. I searched the house but no one was home. I went into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter.

It read: -Olivia,

Lily and I have gone to Hawaii. It was a last minute trip and you weren't home. Maybe you could stay with those people you are always with.

Love, Daddy.

I threw the note down before stomping across the street to Rocky's. Somehow my family managed to ruin my night with a simple note!

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