Heading home

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Olivia's POV

I stretch and yawn as I wake up to my alarm. I hit snooze and drag myself out of bed. Today we are going back to L.A, I don't even bother to fold my clothes as I pack. I just shove them in, Liz and I have to catch our flight in like twenty minutes.

I quickly zip up my bag and get changed into some comfy travel clothes. I grab my suit case and drag it out to the main room in our hotel. Liz is in the kitchen making some pancakes and bacon. I see her suit case and carry on next to the door and put my stuff next to it.

We eat and then take our taxi to the airport, as we go through security I couldn't stop thinking about Rocky. I sigh and we head to baggage check, after that we go to our gate and get there just in time. I take my seat which is across the aisle from Liz, next to me a guy sits with a hood on and sunglasses.

I take my seat, as does Liz who is sitting next to a guy in the exact same thing. There were five people like that and I was sitting in between a blonde and brunette. "Heck I'm going to take a chance." I say and turn to the brunette. "Rocky?" I whisper and pray it is so I'm not a loon.

The guy lifts his head and his glasses are off. "Olivia?! What are you doing here?" He asks with a smile plastered on his face. I turn to the blonde "Let me take a wild guess. Ross?" I say smiling, Ross brings his head up and takes off his disguise too. "Hey, so are you sure about that date?" He says winking at me. I smile and roll my eyes before turning to Rocky again. "To answer your question, I live in L.A, I came here to see your concert." I explain.

He looked kind of confused. "But we are having a concert in L.A too. So why not go to that one?" He asks totally confused. "Well I wanted to come to this one just in case Liz and I couldn't make it to the L.A one." I say. Rocky smirks "A little obsessed are we?" He says doing a little eye brow dance. I smack his arm and the flight attendants start their safety thing.

After we take off and they say we can move about the cabin we start to talk again. We continue to get to know each other. Ross joined in the conversations a couple of times as did Rydel, Riker and Ryland who were sitting in front of us.

Soon though we all fell asleep.

Rocky's POV

When I woke up I look down and saw Olivia snuggled into my chest, fast asleep. I close my eyes to try to go back to sleep, but that plan was foiled by a flash. I opened my eyes and saw Rydel with her phone out, she was also giggling. She sees me and turns her phone screen so I can see.

Olivia and I look kinda cute together actually, all snuggled up. Rydel takes her phone back and starts to tap her screen at top speed. My and Olivia's phones beep, waking her up. She goes for her phone and turns to me wide eyed. We had all bought wifi, she turns her screen to me to show her twitter. It was the picture of us asleep.

Olivia looks at her screen again and starts to tear up. "What's wrong?" I ask gently, she shakes her head locks her phone then puts her hood up. She also drew the draw strings so I couldn't see her face, I could tell she was crying though. I whip out my phone and look at twitter.

'Why is Rocky with THAT? When he could be with me!'

'Wow Rocky are you doing like pity dates or something?'

'Wow Rocky you found yourself a hooker! Good work! Haha'

And those were the nice ones. I lock my phone and put it away, I lean over to Olivia and pull her hood off gently, revealing her red puffy face. She breaks into open tears, I pull her into my chest and cries herself to exhaustion. She was asleep for the last hour of the flight but I woke her up when we landed, but after everyone else had gotten off.

"Oh, we're here." She says flatly. Ross gets out of his seat, then Olivia and finally me. We all got our stuff and left the plane. We had put our disguises back on, we all stop by the check in desk. "Well. We better go." Olivia sniffles as she hugs everyone. After she hugged me, Liz and her left down to the baggage check. We headed to the passenger pick up parking, where our car was, we all file in and drive back home.

I was dying to sleep in my own bed but the place where Olivia was laying is like an empty void. Man I really like her and I let her slip though my fingers! I groan and place my forehead on the cool window. "It's about Olivia isn't it?" Riker asks while giving me a sympathetic pat on the back.

I put my forehead on the window as we drive down the rest of the block to our house. We all unload the car and head into the house. I grab my bags and head up to my room. I flop onto my bed and I'm out cold.

If I can't be with you, an R5 storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu