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Rockys POV

Around 6 o'clock no one had heard from Olivia, she didn't look so good when I left her so I convinced Riker and ross to come with me and check on her.

"Why is she not answering?" I asked impatiently, I had rung the door bell five times and knocked repeatedly. "Maybe she's sleeping?" Riker suggested, I could tell he was nervous about this too. Leaning over I peeked in the window, Olivia lay sprawled out and pale a foot or two from the door. She still wore her clothes from earlier. "Guys! She's passed out!" I exclaimed, ross tried the door but it was locked.

Moving a ways down the wall I chose a window and punched it. The glass shattered and punctured my hand but I couldn't tell, my blood was pumping too fast. I knocked the rest of the glass out and climbed through the window. The glass crunched beneath me as I slipped and slid in it, trying to get to Olivia. Finally I managed it and kneeled down beside her.

Olivia lay face down, her hair sprawled out and covering her face, carefully I rolled her over. Laying her on her back. Pushing her hair out of her face I saw how pale Olivia really looked. I could see her pulse in her neck, strong and steady as she breathed long and deep. Alive. She's alive.

Ross had climbed through the window too and unlocked the door for Riker. He had run over and gotten my mom, she knew enough about health to decide if Olivia needed the hospital or not. I sat on the floor with Olivia's head in my lap. I really took into account what she was wearing. A thin cami and short shorts, not something she'd want the others to see her in.

Without moving her I managed to grab a blanket from the couch and cover her up. My mom sighed, no, bad sign bad sign! "She's going to need a hospital. Riker, get the van running and pull it up outside. Rocky you carry her, very carefully, out into the van." She said, I have come to read my mothers expression well enough that I can tell when she's hiding something, she had that look on her face now.

Riker ran off to get the van as I scooped Olivia up into my arms. Carrying her bridal style with the blanket hanging down around her. Slowly I moved out of her door and down the sidewalk towards the running van. She lay still as stone as we drove to the hospital, not moving as my mom shouted at Riker for him to drive faster. Or when Riker yelled back that this was as fast as legally possible.

When we pulled into the ER was when things got crazy. My mom flung the door open as nurses rushed over to the van. "How long has she been out?"

"Um.. I don't know maybe like 4 hours."

The nurses exchanged a look before helping to get her onto the gurney and running off with her towards the hospital, leaving us with our jaws in the ground and anxiety rushing through our veins. Well.... Mine at least.

3 hours later.

3 hours later we sat out in the waiting room, waiting for results. Have you ever been through that? Waiting in a room full of other people waiting, anxiety practically painting the walls, jumping out of your skin every time a doctor or nurse so much as looked towards the door between us and the ER.

Finally a doctor with salt and pepper hair and a sad look came out and called out Olivia's name.

If I can't be with you, an R5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now