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Taking a shaky breath I walked over to Rocky's side of the stage, where everyone comes on and off the stage. I saw Rocky singing and dancing like nothing was the matter. Nothing was for him, he just indirectly told the girl he loves that he loved her and he's on top of the world right now.

After a while the concert began to roll to an end, they tossed their remaining picks into the crowd and did a final bow before running off stage to change into non-sweaty clothes. Rocky ran off first and came over to me and looked immediately concerned.

"Are you okay? You look really pale." He asked, putting his hands on my forehead to check if I was warm. I smiled at the gesture as I took his hand away. "I'm fine.. Just, I don't feel quite well." I lied, Rocky frowned. "Well we can cancel the signing and-" I stopped him. "No! You can't do that, your fans need it." I said, he couldn't do that for me. "Okay... How about I have my mom take you home? You need to rest." I nodded, it was better than Rocky canceling the signing. Rocky kissed my cheek before leaving to find Stormie.

Stormie came over and helped me to the car, she drove us home in silence. When she pulled into the driveway I turned to her. "Stormie, I don't want you guys to get sick... I may just stay at my own house." She smiled a knowing smile a me. "He won't mind dear, and neither do I. Just make sure you lock the doors and keep a phone with you. I'll send someone over to check on you when we get home." Leaning over the console I hugged Stormie. She always understood without someone having to explain.

Having had nothing moved over to the Lynch's I went directly home. Closing the door behind me I realized how empty this place was. The lights off, no one home. It was like a ghost town. I walked over to the lights and turned them all on. Creating the illusion that people were here. I flicked on the TV and sat on the couch.

Halfway through an episode of Family Guy I decided to change my clothes. I went upstairs into my bedroom and changed into short sleep shorts and a thin cami. When I returned to the base of the stairs there was a knock on the door. Heading over to the door I peeked though the peep hole. Rocky stood, bouncing on his feet, looking anxious on my front step.

I put on my best sick face before opening the door. "Hey! How are you feeling?" He asked right off the bat. His eyes traveled to my clothes. "I see you dressed to impress." He smirked, I smacked him weakly before allowing him in the house. "I came to check on you.. Do you need anything? Soup? Blankets? Sponge bath?" Rocky laughed, clearly cracking himself up. I felt tense all over as I replayed his words in my head. Yes I am in love actually. A chill ran down my spine and Rocky frowned again. He grabbed a near by blanket and wrapped it around me before sitting me on the couch.

"So what are your symptoms? I gotta know if I'm going to make you better." He said, looking me over. "Um... Just nausea, I think all I need to do is sleep. That's why I came back here. No need to get anyone else sick." I said, giving Rocky a smile. Rocky didn't look convinced.

"Olivia... Is this about what I said on stage?" He asked, I could feel my muscles tighten. "Rocky I don't-" he cut me off. "Olivia stop, it's fine." He trailed off. "Rocky... You know what, I don't want to talk about this right now Rocky. I don't feel well." My vision swayed as I pushed him out the door. As soon as it clicked shut, my vision went dark and the ground came out from under me.

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