After the concert

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Rocky's POV

"Okay guys time to pack up. We gotta get back on the bus." My dad said as him and the crew finished packing up the equipment. I sigh and put away the necklace and piece of paper with her number on it.

She has me so head over heels, I mean her laugh and smile alone made me want to bring her on stage. Then I heard her voice, which had literally made me weak in the knees, I had to concentrate on the lyrics to keep from messing them up.

We all climb into the tour bus and we head off to our hotel. Tomorrow we are heading back to L.A for our final Loud tour concert. No matter what I start to think about somehow I get back to Olivia, I mean everything! I look at the moon and how it shines and I think of her eyes and smile. I look at the clouds and I think of her gorgeous hair that descends her shoulders in beautiful brown waves.

"Dude what's wrong with you?" Ross asks from the seat across from mine, next to him Rydel giggles "It's that girl he pulled on stage." She says with a knowing look. "Ya what was with that? You know we aren't allowed to have people on stage with us." Riker said, annoyingly right, from next to me. "But did you HEAR her?" Ratliff says from next to Rydel. "She was amazing! And her friend was really cute." He said dreamily.

I shake my head, I can't judge about thinking dreamily about a girl cause heck I was doing that not a minute ago! "She really was pretty good. Did anyone get her name?" Riker asked looking at everyone, who shook their heads. "Olivia Williams and she kinda.... Gave me her number." I said sheepishly "Dude nice." Ross says, high fiving me.

"You have to call her or at least text her." Riker says approvingly. "Okay I will when we get to the hotel." I agree, all the guys shoot me approving looks and Rydel is clapping her hands excitedly.

We pull into the hotel parking lot and rush inside, not because of fans but because it was pouring. We check in and head up to our rooms, we all had the same rooms like at home, mom and dad (duh), Rydel by herself (also duh), Riker and me and Ratliff then Ross and Ryland.

I plop down on my bed out of the three and pulled out my phone. I opened a new message,

(Text convo:)

Hey Olivia! This is Rocky, I just wanted to uh.. Say hi. -R

Oh hi Rocky! To be honest I am totally shocked you actually texted me. -O

Why? I just kinda wanted to get a chance to know you. -R

Well your a rock star, I'm a fan. And okay I mean I know all about you so I think that's fair. ;) -O

:D okay. So what's your favorite color? -O

Red -O

Favorite movie? -R

Avengers -O

O_O your a girl who likes the avengers?! Cool. Okay favorite sport? -R

Basketball and Football. But I hate watching them, I have to play them. -O

Wow your awesome! Your the first girl I've every met who likes those things. -R

Wait.... Do you know what COD is? -R

CALL OF DUTY! Of course! -O

What's your screen name? -R


O_O.... Hold on, just a second. -R

(Paused convo:)

"Guys... You know basketballstar? On COD?" I say totally shocked. "Ya, the guy we can NOT beat. Why?" Riker says flopping onto my bed next to me. "That's Olivia, she plays football, basketball and her favorite movie is the Avengers." I say as I get over being shocked.

Ratliff grabs my phone and runs across the hall to Ross and Rylands room. He pounds on the door. Ross opens it really mad. "WHAT!?!?" He growls, "That girl Rocky met like basketball, football, favorite movie is the Avengers and she is basketballstar on COD!!!" Ratliff says all at once.

Ross snatches the phone and starts to text. I grab it and look at the text.

"'Hey it's Ross wanna go out sometime?' Really Ross? I saw her first!" I scold.

(Txt convo:)

No thanks Ross. I have my eye on someone. ;) -O

Oops sorry I got to go! Later! -O

(End text)

"Dude that totally means you." Ross said from over my shoulder, I don't respond and just head to bed. I am so exhausted. I drop onto my bed and close my eyes, a picture of Olivia's face and smile dancing across my mind and then enveloping my dreams.

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