The hospital and recovery

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Were the first sounds I heard. My head was wrapped in something, there was something in my arm and I was tucked in a lot of blankets and the bed was very uncomfortable.


I tried with all my might to open my eyes but they just wouldn't open. Then I was out again.

Rocky's POV.

I sat there, in the hospital waiting room with my head between my knees, crying. I haven't cried since I was a little kid. But the fact that I had done this made the fact that Olivia was in a hospital bed because of me made it so much worse than if she had gotten there some other way. And the fact that I didn't even go check on her! I was mentally slapping myself over and over for it.

Riker came and sat beside me, he pat my back. "Calm down Rocky, she is going to be fine. The doctor said she dose t have any cranial damage or a concuccion." He said trying to comfort me. I lifted my head and looked at him. "Then why isn't she awake?" I said seriously. He looked at me worriedly, for both me and Olivia. "They don't know.... We don't know..." He trailed off sorrowfully. I get up and shuffle over to her door, I place my hand on the doorknob. I do want to see her but I really don't want to see what I did to her.

I slowly opened the door and looked inside, Olivia was lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen tube, IV and her head was wrapped in a white bandage. She lie there so peacefully, I slowly came in and pulled a chair over to sit next to her. I cradled her hand in my as I gazed at her beautiful face. I just got her again, she said she liked me and then this happens! I kissed her hand lightly like I had in the ambulance ride here.

I sat there like that for three more hours, just holding her hand. I was just beginning to nod off when I swear she moved. I bolted awake and looked at her to see if she would do it again. Olivia's whole body shifted and I ran out the door to everyone. "She moved!" I declared before heading back to her side. Her eyes were open and she looked horribly frightened. I held her hand and trued to calm her down. "Where am I?" She asked as everyone came over to her bed. "You're in the hospital dear." My mom said softly. Olivia looked at me and yanked her hand away. Startling everyone. "Who are you people?" She asked frightened even more.

My heart shattered. I swear I could hear it too. "I-I'm Rocky, you... You remember me right?" I said as my voice cracked at the end. She shook her head slowly and looked around the group of us. "Do you remember anyone here?" My dad asked her. She looked carefully at everyone's faces and then me, then back to my dad. Olivia nodded slowly. "Who honey?" My mom asked. "R-Riker." She said pointing to Riker. Everyone spun around and looked at him, he shrugged. "I was the one who checked in her before she blacked out the first time." He said giving me a look that said 'I'm sorry man' .

Time lapse 2 days.

I'm miserable. Olivia hasn't remembered much. Just a couple of normal things, she sticks closely to Riker at all times. Riker had to go to the store and had to leave Olivia here so we were watching The Avengers. We came to the part where all the Avengers we're in a circle as the camera circled them.

"Oh this is my favorite part!" She said clapping happily. My eyes widened, she remembered the movie... "So.. What's your favorite movie Olivia?" I asked, testing her a little. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "The Avengers duh! Best movie ever am I Right!" She said happily. Olivia clutched her head suddenly falling to the floor. I was at her side in seconds, she was out cold though. "Help!" I yelled as I cradled Olivia's head in my arms.

Everyone who was left came rushing in, right as Olivia started to wake up. "Dude my head hurts." She groaned as she rubbed her head, she sat up and looked at us all weird. "What? Is there something on my face?" She asked as she wiped her cheeks off. Olivia turned to me, "Rocky what's going on? Everyone's being weird....wait... I thought we were outside playing basketball....." She trailed off as she looked around.

I had to test her though. I took a deep breath, "Olivia where did we meet?" I asked cautiously, Olivia laughed. "At your R5 concert, the signing. Duh...." She said giggling. Everyone laughed, breathed a sigh of relief and went about their business. As soon a they were gone I launched a hug at Olivia. I had to keep from crying, seriously I was that relief.

I squeezed her so tight, she finally squeaked. "Rocky....can't....breathe...." I let her go and just held her in a loose hug. "So are you going to tell me what this is about?" She asked into my chest. "Well....."

I explained what happened to her and she was shocked. She looked up at me as I mentioned her forgetting me. "I could never forget you Rocky." She sat up a little and kissed my cheek. I smiled at her when I got an amazing idea. "How about a date?" I asked her as we stood up. Olivia smiled at me, cocking her head. "Rocky Mark Lynch, are you asking me on me out?" She asks, I smile and hold her hands, "Olivia Williams will you go out with me?" I ask with the biggest cheesiest smile. Olivia drops my hands, "I don't know I mean.... The look on your face was priceless!" She laughed, "of course you doofus!" She said punching me in the arm.

"Okay then let's go!" I said scooping her up bridal style. "Rocky! Come on put me down!" She laughs as I took her out to the car, I opened the passenger side door. "Okay!" I said before plopping her down into the seat. I had grabbed her shoes so I handed those to her and ran around to the other side as she shut her door. I hopped into the car and we were off.

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