authors note

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So I owe you all two apologies before I begin my rant.

First, sorry this is a rant and not an update.

Sorry it's been so long.


I want to tell you all I was reading a book recently on wattpad (i won't say which one, because there's more than one of these people and im no bully) and noticed the author asked at the end of every chapter for a certain amount of votes or comments (or both) before the next update. I didn't really like this, but the thing that really drove me mad was that the author threatened to delete the story when those votes/comments didn't happen. Once, fine. Twice, really? Every other damn chapter?! Fuck off, dude. Dont worry, i didn't comment this. But I certainly lost interest in the book.

I won't ask any of my fellow writers not to do this. However, i make a promise to you all. I will never do that to you. Of course, i love your comments and your votes mean a lot as well. But I'll never ask you to do a certain amount before I update.

That's all guys, i swear I'll try to update soon.

Love you all!


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