Patrick imagine Shower Time

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Shower Time

Your alarm went off far too early in your opinion. But there was nothing you could do, because Patrick would never let you sleep in. It was the day you went on tour with him. You had to get up and catch your plane.

But you still tried though. You rolled over onto Patricks chest and groaned, closing your eyes tight.

"We have to get up, Y/N." He said, wrapping his arms around you.

You groaned again in response.

He chuckled beneath you. "Come on, shower time." He said.

He pulled you out of the bed and dragged you to the bathroom. He pulled your shirt over your head and then your pajama shorts, followed by his pants.

"Are you getting in with me?" You asked.

He smiled and nodded, removing his boxers. In order to stay focused, you stared into his eyes. He found this amusing, as he reached out and removed your underwear.

"I don't have the energy for shower sex." You said.

Patrick just laughed. "Just you wait, baby girl." He said.

He kissed you and pulled you into the shower. The water rained down warmly on you, and it woke you up almost instantly. Patrick kissed your neck gently, and you closed your eyes.

"I was serious, Patrick" you said.

"I know." He said. "I'm hoping you'll change your mind."

You decided that he would change your mind, and gave into him. You leaned your head back against the shower wall and let him attack your neck with kisses before a knock came at your bathroom door.

"Sure am glad I stayed over! Hurry your asses up!" Pete shouted over the water.

"Fuck." Patrick hissed.

I kissed him. "Later." I said.

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