Preference #3 how he is with kids

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How He Is With Kids

Joe: Joe is kinda shy around kids, except for his daughter Ruby. Whenever he sees her, his eyes light up and he scoops her up in his arms with a huge smile on his face, and he kisses her forehead and cheeks and constantly says "daddy loves you". It always makes you smile, and want to have your own child with him as the father so he can treat two kids that way.

Andy: your straight edge vegan doesn't have any kids, but he sure loves them. He loves to play games with them and quote Frozen and other kids movies. Once, he was holding Saint for Pete, and the baby wouldn't stop crying. Andy managed to calm the little baby down and get him to sleep. Then Pete started handing the baby to Andy every time he cried.

Patrick: Patrick is awkward with kid, even his own. He loves little Declan with all his heart, but he always feels like he's not good enough to be his father. He worries that he can't take care of his son. But he does love him, more than anything. And whenever Declan is crying and you just can't deal with it anymore, he's always there. Declan loves Patrick, and sometimes all you have to do is place the baby in his arms and boom: instant silence. Bliss.

Pete: Pete acts more like his kid's big brother than their father. He hates to discipline him, mainly Bronx, who pouts when he gets yelled at. He'd much rather take him outside and play soccer with him. He also loves to play peek a boo with Saint, even though he won't admit it because you'll tease him. And you have to admit, it is hilarious watching the hard core bassist who used to wear eyeliner play peek a boo with the little infant, but you also think it's the cutest thing you've ever seen.

There. How was that? Tell me what you think! And please, request away. I'm just making this all up as I go along. Just tell me your name, your eye and hair color, and which member of the band, and what you'd like the imagine to consist of.

Love you all!


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