Why? (Red vs blue)

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Hey rookie, I thought of a short story where the Reds and blues find out that you had been lying about who you were. I hope you like. This is season 13, they find files about you and then they question you. I know it's short I'm sorry, I just though of this.


There they were, just satanding there like nothing was wrong. How could they, how could they look at her and think she was the same as when she meet them. She wasn't, she most definetly wasn't, it was just all an act to trick them in to believeing her story and thinking she didn't mean any harm. Wash knew, he would have been a foul if he didn't surspect something, the sleepless nights, the nighmares, the fake smile. Wash knew but did he tell anyone? no. how could he, he couldn't prove anything and if he did one of them would have asked her why. Why didn't she say anything but it was all an act, or so they thought.

"Why? Why did you lie and not tell us?" Tucker was very upset that another person lied to him.

"Because" was all she was able to say

"please nice lady, please tell us what is wrong so we can help" Caboose knew how to get someone to talk if he was careful enough and spoke in a hush voice.

"You wouldn't understand, you would just cast me aside and forget about me just like 'them'" (Y/N) was very upset at this point becasue she didn't want to be alone again.

"what do you mean by that" Wash did not like the run around, everything had pointed to her and she says we wound understsand, of they wouldn't understand she is not telling them how could they posibally understand if she doesn't tell anyone.

"I'm a freak, I was taken from my family when I was a small child and then I was experienced on, they did things to me that I can't even describe. So just leave me alone ok" with that they walked away. No one dared to stop them, no one knew how to cope with what they just heard.

"Agent Washingtub?" Caboose being the child he was, was confused.
"Yes Caboose" Wash knew what he was going to ask and me didn't like the idea.
"What's wrong with them?"
"I don't know Caboose I really don't know"

"All I want to know is why, why didn't they tell us, why didn't they trust us, why did they think we wouldn't understand" Tucker was angry, and sad. He had put up will all the bullshit so why did they lie, he just didn't understand.

That's the question no one asked because they weren't strong enough.


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