Simple Enough: Chapter 1

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 **If you're reading this, which I doubt anyone is, I'm new to this kind of stuff, so I have no idea what I'm doing haha. I've been writing this story for a while, so I still have tons more to post. But I just realized I don't even have a title for this story. The title I have now is just temporary, I don't even know how that title fits in with the story haha. Sorry about that haha. For now I'm only going to post this, and if I see people are reading it I'll post the rest in pieces So, comment or message me telling me you read it. This first chapter is boring, but I'm gonna try to figure this site out, and I'll post more, okay well bye.**

Chapter 1

"Ugh. Why do I have to go to this stupid concert with you again?" I mumble to my little sister Kylie.

"Because mom thinks I'm too young to go alone. But I'm not! I'm fourteen! I'm a teenager!" she says while rolling her eyes. My mom is a little over protective of us. It's nice to know she cares, but it does get annoying. 

"Um who are we watching again?" I ask Kylie

"Ugh. Skye! I've told you a million times!" she says impatiently

"We're seeing Never Shout Never!" she squeals happily.

"Oh, right." I say quietly. I've never heard Never Shout Never's music. But I always hear Kylie blabbing about the singer. 

"You ready to go?" I ask Kylie. 

"Yes!" she squeals again happily. She immediately runs to my car and practically jumps into the passenger's seat.

"Call me when the concert is over. Okay, sweetie?" my mom says.

"Okay, mom." I reply.


I finally pull up to the venue. "Okay Kylie we're here". I see Kylie has the biggest grin on her face, then I see her run out of the car. I lock the car, and quickly follow Kylie trying to keep up. She stands at the end of the line bouncing happily, and I walk over and stand next to her. "Yay. Good thing we made it early the line's not too long." she says with a smile on her face.

"Did you remember to bring the tickets? I don't want to have to drive back home." I tell Kylie. 

"Of course I did!" she says, while pulling out two tickets from her jean's pocket.

"Okay. So... Uhmm.. How long are we gonna have to wait in line?" I ask Kylie.

"About one hour and a half."

"What?!" I ask surprised. "Well, yeah. You see, I want to get to the front of the stage so I can get a perfect view of Christofer while he performs. But, in order for that to happen we need to get here early which is exactly what we did." Kylie says giving a small smile.

"Who's Christofer?" I ask, curious. "Christofer Drew the singer. Well the band is mostly just him, he writes the songs and records them, but he needs a live band so.." Kylie yaps on. So  I stop paying attention. I didn't want to come to this concert. I wanted to go to apartment hunting with my friend Sam. We're both 18, and we can't wait to move out of our  parents' house. We thought about going to college but we got a job working at a café that payed good, so we decided not to go to college (it wasn't really for us :P) and live on our own.

  I look over to Kylie. She's still yapping about that singer. Does she ever stop talking about this Christofer guy? I don't see how someone could be so obsessed over one guy they haven't even met. What's so special about him?

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