.:Third Times The Charm:. (Luppi Love Story)*Two*

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I sat in the commoners room, book in my lap, legs crossed, staring down at the pages, reading slowly to enjoy it, loving the silence. I had on a white pair of slacks, black obi, and just a plain v-neck shirt, small black lines spinning around to hug my lower torso on the back.

Soon enough I would be going to bed. But before I did so, I’d get a small snack from the cafeteria. Everyone had been in bed for the past hours. I was more of the type who preferred night over day.

The book I was reading was about a young girl in the human world falling in love with another male who was her family’s enemy because of his last name. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

“They say you can always relate to a story.” I say to myself. So it wasn’t really a book. More of a play script.

Heading towards the cafeteria, I remained silent. Luppi had been here for only a day. He barely spoke to anyone today. He was mainly just getting settled down.

From what I’ve read, I knew he wouldn’t last long. He couldn’t. If a heart break really hurt that bad, he shouldn’t have returned in the first place, and the fact that he did just proved how stupid he really was.

Entering the cafeteria, I saw Grimmjow sitting alone at a table, picking at his teeth. The second he noticed me, he smirked. Of course. He expects me to sit with him.. That leaves me with no choice now. Bastard.

Getting a banana, I walked over to him, sitting down, placing the script in my lap, and peeled open my food. “What are you doing in here?”

“Just got done eatin’. Now em just relaxin’.”

“Airi asleep?” I ask.

“Yeah.” He replies.

I was never very close to my sister. She was always busy when I was around. I didn’t mind though. And though Grimmjow was an ass hole to everyone else, he showed some sort of kindness towards me. How luck am I?

“Well, I’ll go off to my room now.” I say, feeling awkward by him. I didn’t know why he was nice to me. I was so much like my father, and he hated my dad.

“Yeah yeah, go read yar damn book.” He snickered.

“Script.” I corrected him, standing up, taking a bite from the banana.

“Whatever.” He responded.

“Have fun with Luppi around.” I say, just to annoy him, but keeping a calm, collected voice. “Maybe he will steal Airi from you.”

“You shut tha hell up, woman!!” He snapped, glaring at the back of my head as I left, the smallest smile on my lips.

When I left the cafeteria, I heard a small sound. Someone was clearing their throat. I turned my attention to see who it was, blinking in surprise, and guilt immediately flashing over my face. “L-Luppi…..” I say, feeling terrible for the joke I just said to Grimmjow, then my face flushed red with embarrassment for being caught saying that.

“Allow me to walk you to your room.” He ‘offered’, putting his hand out to take the script from me.

I didn’t want him to, but I knew I didn’t have a choice. I handed the script over, and began to silently walk. Of course, he had no idea where my room was at.

“Uhm…” I began, to break the silence as we walked, looking over to him. His face was hard to read. It was straight, staring in front of him. I felt another ping.

He slowly turned his head back to me, smiling softly, as if just now realizing I was trying to talk to him. “Sorry.. I was thinking. Did you say something?”

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