.:Third Times The Charm:. (Luppi Love Story) *Thirteen*

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Chapter Thirteen

“So, this is the World of the Living, in all its glory?” I spoke, blue hues curiously looking around the vicinity. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been here. Of course not. I was free to come and go as I pleased. But this was the first time I’ve seen it with such curious eyes. Willing to open up, and feel new things. There was a bundle of excitement building. Not only had I been getting to know Luppi, but he’d been getting to know me as well.

Glancing behind me, eyes locking onto the male. He really was quite the character. Charming, handsome, kind, sarcastic, silly. Everything I wasn’t. It was like he made up for what I lacked.

Tilting his head to the side, brow raised in a questioning manner, I knew exactly what he was thinking. Why was I looking at him? With a shrug of my petite shoulders, I turned away, glancing back around.

“I’ve once heard of this thing called camping. Humans participate in this event. They fend for themselves. Create their own fire. Catch their own food. You know.. I’m sure you know what I’m mean.” I spoke, daring a glance back at him.

“So, you want to experience camping?”

A nod. Seeing a smirk display on his lips, walking towards me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pulling me up close to him. “We have to get a tent. Luckily, I came prepared with money. Anything else, we’ll get on our own. Shall we camp out near a lake?”


“I… uh..” I didn’t know what the best plan was. “Whatever you want.”

“I have an idea.” He spoke, elbowing me in the ribs, breaking a small, hesitant smile from me. “Finally, a smile.”

Blinking, having been unaware how serious I must have been, I bit the inside of my cheek. “Let’s just get this tent, you speak of.”

“Sure thing, Princess Masami.”

With a chuckle, he grabbed onto my arm, tugging me to follow behind him. Rather than watching where we were going, I studied our surroundings, taking in the human world.  Watching children run about, oblivious to the dangers of life. Watching a woman cry, holding a metal device in her hand. Another was jogging past us, shutting out the world that was happening around them.

That was the strange thing about life. A person focus’s solely on themselves. It’s so difficult to find a common ground. For people to get along and be considerate. It was okay to shut others out once in a while, but to be fully human, we need to incorporate others feelings into our lives.

With a soft sigh, being pulled into what I was sure to be a hardware store of sorts, Luppi showed me the way to an aisle where tents were located at. “Maybe we should get a blanket to. Would hate to see you freeze.”

With an eye roll, allowing him to do as he liked, I simply followed behind, silent as could be.

I was stuck observing; learning. Humans were going on about their daily routine. Some were looking at the hardware in the store. Some were in a line, handing over paper to a single person behind the counter that was ringing up things.

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