.:Third Times The Charm:. (Fans Decision: Help me)

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So, here's the thinggggg.

I'm considering doing a time skip for the love story . Go a year's time.

I will either do that, or I want to do an epic thing. Like, it'll go back to Ulqiorra and Mai's relationship. There may be several chapters on them. Then several chapters on Ai and Grimmjow, and finally some chapters on Luppi and Masami.

I want there to be a major problem. Like, Soul Society decides to break ways with Hueco Mundo do to problems taking place and not being resolved, which in responce may have to do with Mais, Ai's, and Masami's departure in Hueco Mundo.

Or an invasion of Vaso Lorde's. Either way, it'd be an epic finale for the series. As for what happens between Luppi and Masami... Tune in to future chapters to find out.

Anywho, just comment what you'd like to see happen. Or ideas you think would be bad ass, and you may see it in the chapters (with credit to the person's idea) !!

Please help me. I can't decide on my own. If I do a time skip, not much will happen. Nothing epic or cool.

You're the readers. What are your demands?

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