.:Third Times The Charm:. (Luppi Love Story) *Fourteen*

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Chapter Fourteen

“Masami, what are you even doing?”

I could feel his purple eyes piercing right through me in the most judgmental manner, if possible. Adverting my gaze from him, studying the waters under my rolled up pants, I searched for any fish to pass by. Studying carefully, but seeming to be out of luck. Why weren’t any swimming near me like they were him? He’d shown me how it was done; catching a fish with your bare hands, but I couldn’t even manage to have enough luck for any to come near me.

“This is infuriating. How can anyone enjoy doing this?” I hissed out, black locks falling over my eyes, attempting to watch what wasn’t in front of me. Just the water crashing up against my skin, cooling it off.

“Princess, I hate to be a party pooper, but for your case, may I please assist you? I think you’d do much better if…”

“If what?” I snapped, looking up at him, clearly not understand the enjoyment of this event.

“If you weren’t in the shallow side of the lake.” He snickered behind a sleeve. “You need to be out further, where the fish are at. They’d never survive if they were in your area.”

With a sigh, eyes rolling in his direction, I stood up straight, making way further into the water. “Stupid.”

The last time I’d been in water, or near it, I’d tried to kill myself. And for what purpose? I couldn’t even recall. I just remembered the sensation of warmth flooding my lung, calming me. It was odd, and something I wouldn’t share with anyone else, but definitely something I’d remember until I died.

Deeper in the water, I paused, eyes widening. He was serious. There was fish out here. Glancing towards him, noticing him watching me, as if curious if I was a natural at catching fish or not, I turned away, studying the fish once more.

Just do it like he showed you, Masami. Watch the fish’s swimming pattern. Hands out over the water, and wait for the moment to pierce through the water, and capture the fish in your hands. Use both, because they tend to wiggle right out of your grasp.

I could recall his exact directions. Of course, when he explained, a hand had been placed on my hip as he leaned over me, pointing out what kind of fish would taste better.

Taking in a slow inhale, I waited. Some waves of water crashing up against me, forcing the fish to fight the current under the surface, to remain where they currently were, or move further out. Did fish like daylight? Did they like being near the surface? Were they scared of being further out in the open?

Reaching down into the water, grasping onto a fish, I made sure to grab with both hands, attempting to stop its efforts of getting away. Pulling it out of the water, I held it up, almost to receive approval from Luppi for my achievement.

At least, until it made way right out of my hands and back into the water, swimming away.  Embarrassed, I looked away, saying, “Whatever. First time trying to catch a fish anyways.”

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