.:Third Times The Charm:. (Luppi Love Story)*Ten*

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Chapter Ten

Tears pretruded from my eyes. I'd never felt so much pain in my entire life. It was so hard. I was on my knees, head in my mothers lap, crying and crying, hard sobs raising and choking me, falling out of my throat, as I mumbled the words over and over to mom and Ai.

“I-I'm so sorry... so so sorry...”

“Masami..” Mom's voice sounded distant as my ears were plugged up from the snot that plugged my nose up as well.

Never before had I cried. Never before had I felt so emotional.

“Shh hunny. It's alright.” Mom said softly.

“Yeah, we forgive you.” Ai said in return, petting my hair down. I could just imagine her looking at mom, as if to say, 'What do we do now?'

“A-Ai... what about you and Grimmjow?” I whimpered. “You guys are perfect together.”

“Hey, we'll make it through. I love Grimmjow with every ounce of my being. I just missed Luppi and I was blind by the emotions. But now that I can think clearly, I regret what I did, and I wouldn't trade Grimmjow for the world.”

“I-I'm glad you said that..” I said, hiccuping into moms lap.

“As 'em I.” The familiar, deep, husky, sexy voice said. I could just imagine the smirk on his lips. No one had ever seen me like this, and I felt like Grimmjow would later tease me for it, but I had managed to talk him into coming here with me tonight, and listening to the conversation.

“G-Grimmjow!!” Ai yelled. I could hearing the shuffling of quick feet. Leaning off of moms lap, I looked over, seeing her in Grimmjows arms as he embraced her and they shared a hard, warm, loving kiss with one another.

“I-.. I want that so bad.” I whispered to mom. Only one flashed through my mind of who I wanted to share that with.

“Masami.. sweetie, why are you hurting yourself like this?” Mom finally asked, a question that seemed to have been bothering everyone. “If you truly feel this much pain over fear of being rejected of Luppi, you obviously like him. So go see him. See what he has to say to you.”

“I-I'm not ready.” I whimpered.

“It's time, love.” Mom said. “Go now.. We'll be here if you need us.”

Sighing softly, I weakly lifted myself off of the ground, whiping at my eyes.

“What am I supposed to say?” I asked softly.

“Whatever is on your heart. Now go.” Mom said.

“Oi, if he rejects ya', ya' come and tell me.” Grimmjow said, nodding his head at me. “Good luck, kid.”

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