.:Third Times The Charm:. (Luppi Love Story)*Twelve*

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Chapter 12

A week had passed, and Luppi remained. Everything was slowly turning back to normal. Or at least, I thought so. I'd been able to take control back over my own feelings, and no longer felt the need to cry at every little thing, nor get angry.

Sitting in Luppi's room, I held a book in my hand, silently reading as he spoke about random stuff. I found everything he had to say fascinating. He had many stories I'd never could have imagined of in a million years. My books never once described such a thing.

Nor have anything I've ever read been able to describe the feeling I now had that was in my heart, stomach, and chest. With every word he spoke my heart pounded hard.

It was a shock that he couldn't hear me, to be honest. I'd have suspected him to realize now that my heart was constantly racing when I was near him. My hands got sweaty, and I was just nervous.

Was it fear this came from?

Sighing softly, I stood up, setting the book down, putting a small book holder in it so I could find my place later on. “Let's go do something.” I suggested.

“Hm..?” He asked, looking over at me, seemingly surprised I'd spoken up. For the past week, we'd been trying to get to know each other. He'd tell me stories, and about himself, and I'd tell him about myself and the stuff I've read, learned, and enjoyed.

“That came out of nowhere... What do you want to do?” He questioned.

“Not sure. Just tired of sitting in this room and talking. I mean, I'm enjoying it, but I'm getting bored. Isn't it easier to get to know each other by doing something, rather than you telling me?”

“I suppose that would make more sense.” He nodded. “But what would we do?”

“Let's go to the World of the Living.” I said, smiling a bit. “We can find something to do there.”

“Are you sure about htis?” He asked, raising a brow.


“Then so be it.”

With a flick of his wrist, the portal open, a black abyss. Moving beside him, we stepped into it, closing ourselves from this world, and opening to a new.

-Mai's POV-

“You know, Ulquiorra, for not liking to show too much emotion, you sure did help Masami out.” I said, entering the meeting room, seeing him sit at the end of the table, eyes closed. He looked like he was taking a moment to think to himself.

“Honestly, I'm really impressed. A bit jealous that you and her have such a good relationship, but at least she has one of us to rely on.”

“Just as Ai relies on your.” He returned, opening his eyes to greet me.

“She relies on you just as much.” I said, laughing softly, walking towards him. “In fact, she would prefer your approval for the things she does over me.”

“That's not true.” He said, watching as I walked over to him.

“Anyways, I think it's time for a break. You've been so busy lately, and I really just want to have a day to us. Why don't you put Ai in charge for the day, and we head out to enjoy ourselves, hmm?”

“If that is what you wish for.” He spoke as i placed my hand over his. Closing his hand, his eyes closed once more. This time, his face grew relaxed.

“Yes, I do say so. It'd be good for us. Let us go to Soul Society. We have stuff to discuss there anyways, so that's a bonus.

“I suppose...”

“So you go back to the room, pack, and I'll tell Ai she's in charge and to not let Masami leave this place.” I said, smiling a bit.

“Very well.” He nodded, standing up. Releasing my hand, he turned and left the room. With a small sigh, I forced a hand through my hair. “Man.. I never get time alone with him. He's either too busy working, or when he is with me, I'm asleep.

Once he was gone, I headed out for Ai's and Grimmjow's room. I was still trying to get used to the fact that they were together, but I was slowly getting used to it. I think the biggest problem was the fact that Grimmjow wasn't one of my favorite people, though he was wonderful to Ai.

Knocking on the door, I entered, seeing Ai sitting on the couch, cuddled up to Grimmjow while reading a magazine from the human world.

“Mom!” She yelled, sitting up. “What's up?”

“Well, Ulquiorra and I are going to leave for a couple of days.” I said, leaning against the door frame, watching my daughter nuzzle against the former sexta espada.

“Oh? And?”

“You're going to be in charge while we're gone. If an emergency happens, send Grimmjow to retrieve us. Your biggest priority is to make sure Masami is safe.”

“Yes ma'am!” She said, saluting me, then giggling. “Tell Aunt Kagami I say hi!”

“Will do. And Grimmjow, don't start any problems while we're gone.” I added, glancing at him with hard eyes.

“Yeah yeah, m'on a leash with this woman around.” He grumbled, placing a possessive arm on her waist.

“Good.” I replied, waving and heading out of the room, skipping down the hall towards Ulquiorra's room and mine.

Throwing the door open, I saw him standing over the bag, leaning down to place something in it. Closing our bedroom door, I ran at him, and threw myself into him, hoping to make him fall over, though it failed.

Catching me, he looked at me. “Just wanted to tackle you..” I said, smiling a bit like a child. It'd been so long since I got to just relax and act childish. The first time since I had kids.

Leaning down, he gave me a soft kiss. “I see.”

Blushing softly, I asked, “Are we ready to go?”

“Indeed.” He said, looking back at the bag.

“Ulquiorra...” I spoke softly, looking away.


“I wanna be honest right now. I kind of miss the old days. The days where I got to just focus on you and I. In the beginning I had to focus on capturing your love.. that was something... Something I really wish I could relive. I miss being young and naive. I miss so much.”

“We have a future to make.”

“With kids.. There are still days I wish I wasn't a mother. My mother.. she was terrible.” I said, looking down. “Heck, Kagami still hasn't even had a kid yet.”

“I doubt your sister will have a child. If she did...”

“She won't.” I sighed. “Sorry, I know that was random, but... some times, I hate being so wise. And I know you have never felt this way.”

“I'm grateful for what I have.”

His reply was gentle. As was his hands that wound around me and pulled me into his chest with a caring hug. Somehow, he always managed to calm me down.

“I'm grateful to have you and them.” I agreed. “Just wish I could have had a longer time of not being a mother.”

“Would you take it all back if you could?”

“No.” I shook my head, knowing that my kids were my life. If I had to choose my life or theres, I'd choose for them to live, without a second moments of thought.

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