.:Third Times The Charm:.(Luppi Love Story)*Six*

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Chapter Six

"Luppi.. I love you." Airi said, clutching tightly onto my hand.

It took her this long to admit these god damn feelings? 16 years of both of our lives for her to confess and admit to herself how she felt about me.

Even 16 years later, It's all I yearned to hear, and here she was, in my room, holding my hand, confessing her feelings to me. And it warmed my heart. Made my chest beat rapidly in my chest. Fuck the world, I got what I wanted after all this time.

"Airi?" I asked, looking intently at her. Was she serious, or was this just some joke to her? I had to know. "Are you being serious."

"Luppi.. you don't have any idea how hard this is." She sniffled, tightening her grab on my hand, unable to look at me. Her eyes were locked onto the couch, unable to bring herself to face me, but I didn't mind. She had confessed it. Finally. My precious, beautiful, wonderful Airi. At long last, I had a chance at love, once more.

Taking her face in my hands gently, I turned her to face me, locking my eyes with her, holding them there in a way so I could manage to speak to her, and keep her from looking away.

Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, but she forced them back, and placed her gaze on mine. Her eyes were full of fear and conflict. She didn't know what to do, considering she was with Grimmjow.

"One kiss." I said, stroking her cheek gently. That's all it would take to see if she meant what she said.

She flushed lightly, but didn't argue against my wish. Leaning in, I took her lips with mine, a moment I had wanted since I knew I wanted her to be mine. The kisses date was long overdue, but I managed just fine, and now, I was being given a second chance. I would seize the open opportunity and steal her from Grimmjow.


I stood there, considering the door was wide open, leaning on the frame, eyebrow raised. "I guess I don't understand why you'd be doing this, but have fun explaining this to a pissed off Grimmjow." I say aloud, hearing a loud smashing sound appear.

As if they had no idea we were aware of what was taking place, Airi and Luppi jumped apart from each other. Both there eyes turned to me, and I saw panic fill her eyes.

"At least, if you don't want to be with Grimmjow, do the decent thing and break up with him first before sucking face with that." I say pointing at Luppi. "As for our previous agrrement, consider it fullfilled. I need none of your assistance. Have fun with whatever it is you do. I have no need for such irrational, homebreaking people in my life. My sister and mother spoke so highly of you, but before myself, I see a man unworthy of being here in the first place. You're no close friend. You're just a selfish man. I knew you weren't over her. I knew you were here to try and take her back."

"Y-you have that all wrong." Airi said, standing up.

"So you're going to defend him?" I raised a brow in humor. This was truly pitiful, and I almost allowed myself to open up to that bastard. Good thing I didn't. I was smarter than everyone else.

"Airi..." Luppi says, closing his eyes, placing a hand on her shoulder, mumbling, "I'll take full responsibilty... You better go see Grimmjow."

"Luppi.." She mumbled, looking at him, a new spark in her eyes when she stared at him.

"Go." He urged, pressing his hand against her back, pushing her. There was a look on his face, a look of disappointment, and sadness. I didn't understand it. Was he sad because he had been stopped from what was going on. "Airi... you're wrong. You just missed me." He added as she left the room, which must have stung her, because she stopped in her steps, then continued on.

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