.:Third Times The Charm:. (Luppi Love Story) *Fifteen*

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Chapter Fifteen

Luppi’s P.O.V.

“Masami!! Where are you?”

Panic rose in my chest. How could I lose sight of the female I came to the island with? God, her family was going to kill me. We were all finally starting to get back to good terms, and move past the bad experiences we’ve had with one another.

I was finally getting to know the young female, and grow an important bond with her. And I just lose her like that?

I wasn’t even worried about how Ulquiorra would respond. Nor how Mai would. How was Masami going to respond?

I had taken the fish into the forest to cut them up so she wouldn’t have to watch me do it. I had been trying to be considerate of the female. I assumed it wasn’t something she found pleasant to watch take place.

And now.. she was gone.


Hands cupping around my mouth, carrying the voice out. Dark was not even a half hour away. If I didn’t find her by then, I’d have to go back to Hueco Mundo and report her missing and hope for help to find her. Man, I’d whoop her ass if she left without a word.

Or did she fall asleep in the tent? Moving towards the tent, to check and see, my brows furrowed, noticing a wet blanket in the sand, not too far from the tent. Moving over to it, to observe it and question why it was there, I caught sign of what looked like a folded piece of paper.

Picking it up, and looking it over, it read,

Dear Luppi-san

Please pass this note on over to Ulquiorra. Only he can give us what we want in order to get his daughter back. If not, consider her dead in a day time.

We want all soul reapers out of Hueco Mundo. They don’t belong there! And we shouldn’t be limited to our food supply. We’re hollows, after all. If we desire to each human souls, we should be damn well pleased to do so. No one should limit us to whether we can or can’t; may you be King of Hueco Mundo or not. Even Aien-sama understood so much.

Either announce publicly that Soul Reapers are to leave, and never return, and we’ll return to our old life, or your daughter will be the first sacrifice made for the greater good. Who knows what the next sacrifice might be after her~.


Anger built up, ready to explode. How dare they take Masami! How dare they laid a hand on her. It made me feel disgusted that anyone was touching her. None had that right. I should have allowed her to bring her sword. She might have been able to defend herself. Then again, why didn’t she cero there ass?

And why wasn’t I there to protect her when she needed me most?

There was only one thing to do. Take this note to its rightful owner, and let him make the decision he needed to make.

Masami’s P.O.V.


Groggy eyes slowly fluttered open, exposing a dim light over me. Head swirling in pain, I pressed my hands against the ground, sitting up.

“Where am I?”

Glancing around the room, trying to muster up some sort of an answer, I frowned. I had no idea. I could feel the warmth of the room, so it was still in the World of the Living. The smell was moldy.. maybe rusty too. I wasn’t familiar to it. Just had a general idea from the books I read, and what my father had shown me when we traveled together.

“I see you’re finally awake.” A male voice broke out in the room.

Tilting my head to look over, I watched as an average height male moved to my side, grabbing onto my chin, dark hues observing me. It was difficult to see his features when the lighting was so dim.

“Your wound isn’t too bad. It quit bleeding, so that’s good. I’d clean it up, but the others would say I’m showing sympathy, so you’ll just have to deal with it. Especially since there’s a good chance you’re going to be killed anyways. No one is really fond of you. Or your family.”

Seeing him stand, arms crossed over his chest, he looked back at me, giving a grin, questions, “Are you ready to die?”

Of course not! What kind of stupid question was that? I’d hardly even began living. I had so much more to experience. I couldn’t die just yet.

Gritting my teeth tightly together, I stood up off the ground, and without further thinking, charged at the male. I had to get out of here. I had to get back home. As long as they were here, beating me, there was no way I’d get the strength to make a portal to return home.

I didn’t hold much of my own. A single back hand to the face was more than enough to knock me off my feet, body hitting the wall, and slowly descending back to the floor.

“You’re better off not resisting, kid. It’s for a better cause.”

“Taking a life is never for a better cause!” I spat, tears threatening to overcome my calm nature.

No sense in crying. If I gave in to my weakness, I’d just be showing them that they were superior, and had me scared.

“My dad will save me. And when he does, I hope you’re prepared to lay down your life. He’s not as sympathetic as my mother. You’ve given him more than enough reason to kill you.”

“Empty threats. He doesn’t know where you are, or who has you.” The other snickered, pushing up on the ceiling. Doing so, light spilled in; showing a latter up and out of the cell I was currently in.

“Sit, and count your blessings, Miss Masami. Consider your situation, and how you’re going to escape. We’re not going to feed you. And when Milo comes back, we know he has every intention to take out some pent up anger on you. Personally, I wouldn’t bring harm upon you unless need be, but he’s stronger than me, so I hope you can take what your dad can give. Milo is looking for blood on his hands.”

With that, he closed the opening, leaving me to soak in what he’d said.

Only one thing really stuck in my mind, that made me more scared than anything.

No one knew where I was. 

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