Chapter 10 - Winter Festival Pt.1: The Help

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(A/N: I'm dedicating this chapter to my friend 18miles0ut who I have known for the last few years and become really close with. She is an amazing writer and has helped me massively with problems I have had during some dark times so this chapter is is dedicated to you dear!)

Jungkook was startled awake from his sleep by a loud banging on the front door to his house. You'd think living in a place as large as his you wouldn't be able to hear anyone knocking the front door. Usually one of the house helpers would answer the door but it was a Saturday and being the nice person that he is, Jungkook send them home for the weekend so not to burden them.

He managed to drag himself off his bed and staggered his way out his room to the front door. His eyes shut, barely being able to open them. Even though they were closed, Jungkook could have sworn that it wasn't even daylight yet. The thundering tapping continued, adding to his frustration. Finally reaching the door he forcibly grabbed the handle and threw the door open.

"Yes!" He growled.

"Well is that any way to talk to your elder?" The person said with a raised eyebrow. Immediately Jungkook's eyes opened completely at the recognisable voice.

"Jin!" The young one said surprisingly looking at his older friend who was busy typing on his phone. "What are you doing here?" He asked innocently.

"I'm here to help you get ready" the older replied not looking up from his phone.

Jungkook squinted at the sky behind Jin to see that the sun hadn't even come out yet. It was practically still dark.

"What time is it?" Jungkook asked slightly aggravated.

"Five AM kiddo" Jin replied walking past Jungkook into his house. "I thought we get an early start..." the older said as he turned to face Jungkook, "...and by the looks of it we definitely needed one" he teased with a raised eyebrow, seeing at how Jungkook's hair was spiked all over the place as his teddy bear pyjamas were crumpled and all over the place.

"Namjoon!" Jin called out. Behind him, Jungkook turned to find Namjoon dropping a bunch of suitcases and boxes on the floor out of breath. The youngest just looked in confusion. Namjoon, still attempting to catch his breath just pointed to Jin. Jungkook followed his finger to the older.

"Supplies" Jin said simply, like it was something normal. The older walked over to Namjoon and lightly kissed his cheek as thanks. Namjoon just stood straight up regaining his energy looking like he could run a marathon twice. He smiled feeling proud of himself. Jungkook just stared as he saw the two taking the supplies to his bedroom.

"Why exactly do we need supplies?" Jungkook asked slightly worried.

"Because I'm going to need a lot of materials to make you look astounding. Why do you think I look so good?" Jin smiled with glee.

"He has a point" Namjoon muttered as he fangirled over Jin while walking past his younger friend.

"Now come on, I have a lot of work to do!" Jin commanded from upstairs. Jungkook just sighed in response.

'This is going to be a long day' Jungkook thought as he marched his way up to what he would consider to be hell.

A/N: Hey all! Sorry it took so long for me to update, I actually forgot that I had wattpad completely which is really bad considering I spend my life on it....anyway expect more to come! Also sorry if this chapter is a bit rubbish, I haven't been writing in a while so any criticism is much appreciated! :)

Stay happy and healthy!


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