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William’s POV

“What?!” I said in shock.

Did Jamie say what?! She wanted me to meet that fucking slut?! What is she thinking? Fuck it. She ignored me a while ago because of her, now she’s telling me to meet her? What kind of shit thinking is that?!

“You heard me…” She rolled her eyes. Then she looked at this girl and smiled at her. “Seat beside me…” That girl nodded. Jamie sat as well.

“What is she doing here?!” I asked loudly. Everyone in the canteen looked at us.

“What’s wrong with you, Will?”

“What’s wrong with me?” I pointed at my chest. “What’s wrong with YOU? I thought you were mad at HER and you ignored me before my first class because of HER…” I looked at that bitch. Her face was red and about to cry. Go for it, cry hard as you can. I don’t fucking care about you though.

Jamie stood up. Her palms were placed on our table, “You know what? You don’t know her!” She shouts. Everyone turned their eyes to us and whispering.

“What are you looking at?!” I shouted at everyone. They looked away.

“I don’t know her? Yes. I don’t. But she’s a fucking slut! I don’t even like her!” I looked at that girl who was just watching our argument. She looks scared. “Could you please? Don’t go near Jamie again, huh? You should be ashamed of yourself! You are using Jamie to be near to me! Well get lost, you fucking bitch! I don’t wanna see your face again!”

“William! Stop it!” Jamie shouts. Then she slapped me. Shit. That was hard. I touched my cheek as it feels like there was forming of a hand there because of her fucking slap. The blonde girl ran out.

“You see what you did? She’s hurt because of you! You don’t even know her! You fucking don’t! Well to let you know, she just went to talk to you because she just wants to meet a FRIEND. She doesn’t have one! And she doesn’t even like you! Why would she be in love with you if your attitude is like that?! Fuck William! She doesn’t even look like that before! She just changed because she thought anyone will like her but what did she gain? None! She doesn’t have any friends! So William, I don’t like to see you again!” Tears were forming on her eyes as she left.

Everyone is looking at me as I was left alone on this fucking canteen. Shit. This is so much embarrassing! What have I done? Jamie doesn’t want me to be near her again. Fuck. I can’t do that. What should I do? I felt sorry for telling Jade that she’s a slut. Sigh. If I only knew that she did that because of she just wanted to have a friend. Shit!

Jamie’s POV

“Hey, did you see that blonde girl who ran going this way?” I asked the brunette lad who was sitting on the stairs.

“Um…” He looked up, maybe thinking if he saw the girl I’m talking about. “I think...Yes, I do! Over thre!” He said as he pointed the way going to the girl’s comfort room. Maybe she’s there.

“Thanks…” I smiled. He nodded.

I ran fast going to the comfort room. Fuck. It’s locked. “Jade!” I knocked. “Are you here?” No one answered but I heard sobs. Shit. What have she done to herself now? I hope she didn’t do anything to harm herself.

I knocked exaggeratedly “Jamie! Please! Open this fucking door now or else I will call someone for help!”

Seconds later, the door busted open. Jade is standing in front of me. She looks pale and her eyes were puffy and red. Tears are streaming on her face. Then suddenly, I noticed those droplets of blood on the floor. She was holding a blade on her right hand. There was a fresh cut on her left arm. That’s the reason for those bloods everywhere. Shit.

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