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♥Jamie's POV♥

Since William explained to me everything last week, all things went through very well. He's now in the studio, he said I should visit him sometime. Though, I think not now, I want him to concentrate there first. If I'll show up, he'll lose his attention and just lay them to me.

I was on my way home. I sighed, thinking that I could rest tomorrow all day as its Friday today. When I was about to open the door of my house, I hears three people talking. They are all recognizable for me; Candice is one of them and the two, my parents? They're here? Oh my God.

I immediately twisted the knob and there revealed my parents with Candice. "Oh, there she is..." my best friend says while pointing her index at me. They are all sat at the sofa while I, awkwardly standing near the door.

Mom stood up and went to hug me. It's been a while that I see them. Since they went to Philippines, I never saw them. "I miss you, honey..."

"I miss you too mom!" I feel like tearing up but I didn't show it. I don't like to be emotional in front of them; they’ll just tease me with that.

 Dad also went to hug me and kissed me on the forehead. "Now, we're back, we're being together now okay?" he held my shoulders as I nodded.

I went upstairs to take a shower. I feel exhausted from P.E. a while back. I hated that subject that you need to sweat up or something. After the shower, I put on my underwear, my ripped jean shorts and a black Five Seconds of summer top. I never wore this ever since I bought and now I feel guilty as they're my favorite band.

"Jamie! Dinner's ready!" Candice shouts as she's knocking my door exasperatedly. She knows I hated it. I groaned and I heard her laugh. I pulled the door and went out and followed her walk in the stairs.

Mom is preparing the food while dad is helping her. Oh, how I miss this so much! Candice and I sat down on the dining table then also mom and dad.

"So, how's school, hun?" mom asks after she took a bite on her chicken. I swallowed my food and sip on my water. I don't wanna talk when mouth's full. Mom will be mad.

"Uh, it's fine mom. I maintained my grades." I answered. I don't know if I should tell them about William. What if they won't like him? Oh, no. That shouldn't be.

"You Candice? How's your work?" my parents know that she's a dancer and sometimes she dances on big events like X-factor or somewhat like she dances for Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bieber, and more. I'm jealous that she sees them though I know that it's part of her job.

"It's okay mom..." she calls them mom and dad as well so she's really like a sister to me.”I'll be dancing for Justin Timberlake next month." she looked at me, I know how she loved him ever since. She's a fan of him and now she’ll be dancing for him. Wow.

"Oh my God Candice!"

"I know!" she winked. We both giggled that made us scolded by dad that we should finish our food before that.

"So, you're now staying, mom, and dad?" I looked to dad then to mom. They both nodded. "Oh, so, how about you work?" I asked after taking a spoonful of my food.

"We'll be working on the hospital near the school." She answers. I nodded. I'm so glad that they're now here. We're now complete.

After eating, I went to my room and lay on my bed. Candice decided that she'll wash the dishes and I didn't argue back as I'm lazy to do so. My mom and dad are watching T.V.

My phone vibrated from under my pillow. I didn't see it for hours. I didn't even remember it. I checked and there's a message.

From: William;)

Hi babe xx just finished my voice lessons! How are you? Xx

To: William;)

I'm great babexx mom and dad's here by the wayxx

I was about to reply when he's calling. I accepted and put the phone near my ear. "Hi babe!" he sounds cheery, I don't even know why.

"Hey babe! Sounds you're having fun, uh?" I giggled as I heard him chuckle.

"Yeah, basically, I'm down here." I frowned and get up. I looked at the window, he's down the street behind his car waving at me then he blew a kiss. I blushed and pretended that I catch it.

"So, I want you to meet my parents, babe." I said through the phone, smiling. I could see him nodding and said yes.

He hung up as I went downstairs. "What's the rush, sweetie?" mom asked, furrowing her brows. I toothy smiled, I don't know but I really can't stop smiling right now. I wonder if this smile stays forever that it would stuck and I'd be smiling forever. That's weird though.

I opened the door that revealed William. He's standing while his hands are tucked inside his pockets. I could sense that he's quite nervous though he just sent a nice smile at them. He's wearing black ripped jeans and a long sleeved gray plain shirt.

I pulled him and now we're standing across my parents. "Mom, dad, I want you to meet William, William Tomlinson, he's my boyfriend." I said awkwardly. I never did this though, only William.

"Tomlinson? I think I heard that before..." dad murmurs as he shook hands with my boyfriend. He smirked.

"Finally, I met someone!" my mom says while she's giggling as they're hugging. "Jamie here never let us met someone before!" I felt my cheeks burning at the moment while William looked at me and chuckled. I mouthed a 'shut up'.

"Mom!" I whined. She laughed.

Mom and dad sat then me and William across them. "So, you're on school, William?" my dad asked like a real dad he is.

"Uh, y-yes Sir." he nodded. "But now, I just started my career..." My dad nodded.

"What kind of career?" he asked again.

"Eh, singing, Sir." he gulped. "I'm a solo artist unlike my brother..."

"Brother?" my dad raised a brow. I didn't know he could do that. I never seen him raised a brow before though.

"Yeah, brother. He's in a band Sir. He's in One Direction if you just heard, he's Louis Tomlinson." Dad nodded. Mom went to make juice, she said.

"I heard of him. He has a lot of fans on the hospital we worked on the Philippines." William smirked. I sighed, I felt out of place here so I went to mom.

"So you're boyfriend here is quite handsome..." mom giggled. My eyes grew big. No, he won't get my William to me doesn't she? Ugh, seems legit.

"Mom, is that you?" I frowned.

"I'm just telling the truth, sweetie. You look cute together!" she cheered while she's stirring the juice.

After some talk, William went home. Mom said she want me to stay on their room as they miss me she said. I’m really happy for today. I think they loved William. I never thought of that. I hope this would continue, us being happy with each other.


♥Maybe I will update again later! :"> ♥

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~trisha xx

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