Ch 14

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♥Jamie’s POV♥

It’s been a month since I’m on that hospital. Now, I want to forget all what happened. You know, William and I got our relationship to be stronger every now and then. He’s always there for me, even there is school. I don’t know but, I feel like there’s something that changed in him, not for the worse, but for the good. He has even got higher grades now and since I didn’t went to school for two weeks before, he’s been tutoring me on my subjects. That’s cute for him though.

“Can we just not go to school now, babe?” He asks as were sitting on my couch. He came here yesterday and all we did was story-telling, video gaming, baking and stuffs. No, nothing happened between us.

He’s sat on my right as my right arm is on his back and his left arm is wrapped on my shoulder. My head is on his left shoulder as we’re watching TV.

“Babe, we don’t need to absent. In fact, we spent the whole night, so… I think we should get going.” I said trying to stand up, but he’s quick to grab my waist and pull me so I’m now sitting on his lap.

“But, please?” I looked at him and he’s making this cute puppy face as he’s pouting his lips. “Promise, we’ll go to school tomorrow… Just please?” I huffed as I looked away.

“Okay. Fine,” I crossed my arms and he kissed my cheek. I look back to him. “But what are we doing?” I asked. I want to go to school now not just because I’ll be bored in this house but I don’t want to get low grades for this quarter. I promised my mom that I won’t let her down and keep my grades high. But maybe I can cope up.

“I have a plan.” He wiggles his brows as he smirks. I frowned.

“What plan?” He didn’t answer, instead, he just keep on smirking. “You’re not telling me, aren’t you?” When he has this plan, he’s always not telling me and me always get surprised. Though, I’m not complaining because he’s good at it. One time, he made me a video of my friends telling me to get well soon. That’s when I’m on the hospital.


“What? Please?”

“Uh-uh. I’m not telling you.” He pushes me to stand up. “Now take a shower, we’re going somewhere.” Somewhere…? Where does he think we’re going? And what if our teachers see us outside when they’re still they’re? That’s truancy right?

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes though he didn’t see it. I went to my bathroom and closed the door. I ripped off my clothes and put them on the basket, I hopped on the shower and gently opening it.

After bath, I put on my clothes and went to the living room. William isn’t there and the TV is off so I think he’s on the kitchen, eating. So, there he is when I went. He’s cooking scrambled eggs and there’s a black coffee on the counter and milk. Yeah, milk because I don’t like coffee or tea. I told him that a month ago, I’m glad that he still remembers it.

“I don’t like milk.” I joked then he immediately snapped his head and looked at me confused. I tried to hide my giggle as I think he really believed it.

“What? Really?” he asked as he comes closer to me with furrowed brows. “But I think you don’t like something and I think you said you only like milk?” I didn’t reply. “Uh, maybe I could make you what you want?”

I burst my laughter as I watch him confused. He makes thins cute worried look and it’s very adorable. Then he puts his hands on his waists, though his right arm is still holding that spoon. I wiped the tears on my eyes and clutched my stomach, it hurts now. I sighed.

“Babe, I’m just joking.”

“Ha-ha. And it’s funny.” He rolled his eyes.

“Though it’s cute.” He blushed and looked away. “Awe, my baby…” I cooed as I come closer to him and wrap my arms on his waist. “Maybe you should go to shower now.” He nods.

“Don’t do that again.” He says with all seriousness.

“Uh, okay.” He kissed me on the temple and went to my bathroom. He left some clothes here before so he doesn’t need to go home.

After eating what he cooked, he came back wiping his wet hair with a towel. Then he puts the towel on his shoulder and left his hair messy. He’s only wearing a black jersey shorts, yeah, he’s not wearing a top. One word: hot. He’s showing his tattoos, muscles, and I immediately looked at my milk which held by my both hands feeling the warmth of it and sipping a bit so that he won’t think that I’ve been staring at him.

I heard his chuckle as he sat next to me. “I know you stared.” He whispered. I felt my cheeks blushing though I didn’t look at him. I just looked forward, watching an ant on the wall.

“I’m not.”

“Really?” I know he’s smirking right now, from the way of his voice, I know he is.

“Really. Now let’s go…” I said changing the topic. Even though William is my boyfriend, I always end up embarrassing myself to him. Sigh. He always teases that body to me. I stand up as well as him.

I don’t know why I’m nervous on this car ride. I’ve been here on his Range Rover for a couple of times but I think there’s something strange today. My heart is beating hard and I can’t breathe. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans and tried to breathe in to relax. “Can we turn on the radio?” I asked. Music calms me down.

“Sure.” He says as he presses a button and then Made in the USA by Demi Lovato was playing. I hummed along while looking outside the window.

“Babe…” I trailed. He hummed, “I don’t know but I feel nervous.”

He chuckled. “Why?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Is there something to be nervous on?” I asked. What if there’s something ahead of this? Like we’ll go to that 5 Seconds of Summer gig? Oh, no, I love that band. How I wish that I will meet them sooner or later.

He held my hand and caressed it by his thumb. “Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ll protect you from everything. Even if it’s my mom…” He pulls my hand and kissed the back of it then placed it back down again.

I looked at him as I furrowed my brows. “What do you mean?”

“We're meeting my mom...”

William - Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now