Chapter 2

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[Quit it with the waffle guns. Cats don't have guns, let alone waffles!] Darkshadow growled, unsheathing his claws and standing his ground.

"You betcha'!" Yellowstar meowed, laughing as she stuffed waffles into the gun. 

[That didn't even make sense. . . you never submitted a form. Why are you here?] Darkshadow pounced on her, claws unsheathed.

[YEAH!] Sunclaw attacked the Whatever-Clan leader, quickly pouncing on her and slitting her belly open.

[We've been over this. I swear that you and Firestorm are the same person sometimes.] Darkshadow ignored his Clanmate.

Yellowstar shot her waffle gun. A sticky waffle hit Sunclaw in the face, blinding him with chili-pepper-infused syrup.

[Oh, so Yellowstar gets to be super overpowered] Sunclaw grabbed some catmint and stuffed it in his eyes, curing the wound. He killed Yellowstar, gently.

[That's not how catmint works!] Cloudpaw, the medicine cat apprentice, gently applied some herbs to Sunclaw's eyes. 

"No fair!" grumbled Yellowstar, loosing one of her lives. She took her waffle gun out and shot a few at Darkshadow.

Darkshadow dodged the flying pastries, spitting a glob of syrup to the side. "Quit messing around," he growled, showing his fangs. "Let's fight like real warriors."

"Okay!" Yellowstar laughed. "I'm meet you at that island," she meowed, pointing at the center of the lake, " and we'll fight to the death. Like, uh, real warriors!"

"Deal," mumbled Darkshadow, and he padded off, pelt drenched with syrup.

Sunclaw followed him. 

At moonhigh, Darkshadow silently slipped into the water and started paddling across the lake. His feet touched the bottom as he neared the island, head barely above the surface.

"What are you doing?" Yellowstar asked, glancing at the sky. "It's only, like, sunhigh. . ."

[I did a timeskip. . .]

"You're not a ******* wizard!" she shouted.

[I'm the co-owner of this roleplay. I can do what I want.]

[You're not the co-owner. . . you appointed yourself because Loststar hasn't been here for a year!] Sunclaw looked for Princessheart.

[Well, I'm the owner then. Loststar is on vacation. He PMed me.]

[Send a screenshot then] Princessheart was hunting when she spotted a foursome of foxes. A screech escaped her muzzle as she started running.

[I DON'T NEED TO PROVE ANYTHING TO YOU!] Darkshadow waited until the sun went down.

"That's better," purred Yellowstar as she walked to the Gathering with her patrol of warriors.

[No fair! This is one-on-one] Darkshadow silently slipped into the water, this time at moonhigh.

Yellowstar tromped across the log that led to the Gathering. Music was pumping, and discos lights shined off the island. "This is one-on-one," replied the leader in a cheerful voice.

[There aren't parties in the warriors.] Darkshadow climbed onto the silent island, slipping among the shadows and hiding himself away. 

Yellowstar snorted, turning the lights back on. "Now there are!" She flickered a switch, and a wrestling arena rose out of the ground. "Welcome to the WWE: Warriors Wrestling Entertainment!" Her mew rang across the clearing, and cats cheered for Yellowstar.

[THERE AREN'T ANY PARTIES!] Darkshadow spotted Yellowstar looming behind a tree. "Come fight me, trespassing scum," he hissed, unsheathing his claws. 

Yellowstar snorted as Baby by the Biebs blasted in the background. "Come in the arena." She turned back to the crowd. "Today's fight is Yellowstar of ThunderClan versus Darkshadow of some random trespassing group!" The crowd exploded into cheers once again.

[Fine. There's an arena, but no music and no lights. This is Warriors, not a flash mob.] Darkshadow climbed into the Twoleg-built arena, eyes dark.

"You're so lame," scoffed Yellowstar. She tossed her Coca-Cola to the side and jumped into the arena. A bell rang out.

"Round 1!"

[Isn't that a boxing thing?] Darkshadow leaped at Yellowstar with his claws unsheathed.

"I dunno." Yellowstar batted him back with a simple blow that sent him flying. As the tom ricocheted off the ropes of the wrestling ring, she grabbed her coke and took a few sips. "This is funny." She pulled out her iPhone as the crowd roared in her approval.

[THAT'S NOT FAIR!] Darkshadow hissed, landing on the other side of the ThunderClan she-cat. He pounced on her before she could turn, claws sinking into her back.

"It is when I'm the boss," Yellowstar purred, shaking him off like a fly. "Now, let's fight like warriors."

[So with claws?] "That's what I was trying to do," complained Darkshadow.

Yellowstar pulled out a pair of waffle guns and tossed one to Darkshadow. "Begin!" She started firing her gun with perfect accuracy.


"Fine," Yellowstar muttered, taking out pancake guns instead.

[OKAY! I'M DONE! YOU WIN! MOONCLAN WILL MOVE LIKE THREE FEET BACK OR SOMETHING! AND YOU'RE KICKED OUT OF THIS ROLEPLAY] Injured, Darkshadow limped away from the island, ears folded in defeat.

[Technically you can't do that. . . you ain't the owner, brother] Sunclaw found his Clanmate and brought him back to camp.

This was written by Rio. I know nothing about wrestling. Apologies in advance.

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