Chapter 19

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Darkshadow kicked away the seventh turtle he'd accidentally tripped over that day, grumbling under his breath.

"Darkshadow! Darkshadow!" Cried Sunclaw britishly, running up to Darkshadow and breathing rather heavily. "I have something important to ask you!"

"What is it?" Darkshadow asked, flustered by the tom's anxious demeanor.

Sunclaw sat down. "Do you know where Strictmoon is?"

"What do you need Strictmoon for?"

"To ask where Loststar is," Sunclaw chirped, seeming pleased with his conclusion.

Darkshadow sighed. "What do you need Loststar for?"

Sunclaw huffed as if his question were preposterous. "To ask where you were, of course."

"I'm standing right here," Darkshadow muttered.

There was a long silence. "Oh!" Sunclaw suddenly exclaimed, "Jolly good, then. Do you happen to know where Strictmoon is?"

Darkshadow groaned, and was about to bash his head against the shell of an angry turtle who had been continuously running into his side, when they were suddenly interrupted by yet another distressed tomcat. 

"Darkshadow! I'm so glad I found you, nobody seems to know where Strictmoon and Loststar are," Acornleap began, looking thoughtful for a moment, and flicking his tail in greeting to Sunclaw. "We have a bit of a problem. All of the she-cats in the Clan have become really annoyed because Amethystglimmer keeps stealing all of their mates, and now they've formed some sort of a rebellion. I think they might be planning to join ThunderClan, and we need to stop them!"

"What about Birdwing?" Came Sunclaw's inquiry.

Acornleap shrugged. "I dunno, she's probably going to go hit on Yellowstar again."

"Alright," Darkshadow sighed again, "Let's see what's going on."

The three toms walked towards the center of camp, where Dawnstreak was attempting to rally of mildly irritated she-cats.

"What do we want?!" Dawnstreak cried, climbing up onto a boulder to address the gathered cats.

"Catmint!" Moonmoon cheered.

"Rice crispies!"


"Friendship?" Snailpelt whispered.

"what i this meating about?"



"It is I, murder!"

"Alpacas are fun."

Darkshadow blinked in confusion. "What is actually going on right now?"

"We're starting a rebellion," Dawkstreak declared, "We're going to join ThunderClan and we're not coming back until Amethystglimmer is banned from this Clan!"

"I really thought we were going to be playing board games," Messyear admitted.

Mousepaw grinned. "Spoons."

[Dawnstreak, stop this]

"Does anyone know where Amethystglimmer is?" Darkshadow asked impatiently.


Dawnstreak huffed. "No, we don't."

"Oh!" Redpaw piped up, "She went to take her new kits on a walk outside camp."

"And you just let her go?" Dawnstreak growled, staring down at the cheerful apprentice.

"I like kits," Redpaw reasoned.

"They have tiny feets," Snailheart agreed, staring down at her own paws shyly.

[Okay, first of all, Amethystglimmer can't have kits that quickly. Or take them out of camp.]

Darkshadow thought for a moment, ignoring Dawnstreaks INCREDIBLY STUPID demands. "Okay, how about this - all she-cats who aren't actually here because they're jealous of Amethystglimmer, please leave," All cats expect for Dawnstreak left the area, "Dawnstreak, you can have another mate."

[Oh, wait, really? I don't actually want one.]

[Well you get one.]

[Ugh, fine.]

"Okay," Dawnstreak replied happily, surveying the cats who were still in the area, "I choose... Birdwing."

"Score!" Birdwing cheered.

"Birdwing's a she-cat," Darkshadow pointed out flatly.

"Oh, never mind then," Dawnstreak decided dismissively.


"So close," Birdwing cursed, trudging off dejectedly.

Dawnstreak ignored the she-cat, and continued to look around camp "I'll go with... Flameblaze."

Flameblaze suddenly pricked his ears from where he sat on the complete opposite end of camp. "I have been summoned. AWAY!" He dashed off into the forest.

"Okay, whatever," Darkshadow grumbled, "Is that all?"

"Nope," Dawnstreak replied curtly, "I have kits now."

[You - what? It's been like fifteen minutes since I last commented.]

[Private messaging, bro.]

[Don't talk to me again ever]

"FOR NARNIA!" Birdwing distantly yelled, crashing through a bush.

Have not written this in a while, hope it was okay!


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