Chapter 16

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Gasping, Amethystglimmer dragged herself out of the fire, her kits' corpses littering the ground behind her. She collapsed, her sparkly pelt stained with soot.

Cloudpaw rushed to the queen's side, holding a bundle of catmint. He treated the queen's wounds, trying to be as gentle as possible.

Orangefurpaw was staring into the fire as he realized the true effects of Yellowstar's explosion. "Twerk. . . Twerkkit," he meowed softly, the kit's loss resounding in his brain. "My only kin is dead!" He collapsed into a pile of sobbing fur.

Yellowstar kicked her son. "Oh, shut up. Amethystglimmer just had her seventy-four sons die, thanks to her actions, and her daughter die, thanks to Crazystar's actions."

Amethystglimmer, who had been healed by the catmint, was standing up and cleaning her pelt. "Well, this is his first loss. He'll get used to it," she amended calmly, watching the flames of the nursery stretch even higher.

Orangefurpaw narrowed his eyes. "I will not get used to it! I will kill the one who caused all the trouble, and all of you will help me." His gaze swung across the MoonClan camp, his eyes glowing with anger.

Yellowstar snorted. "Good luck with killing Crazystar. She is one of the powerful ones who writes us!"

Rio nodded in agreement, loudly popping her gum.

Orangefurpaw tipped his face up toward Rio. "Can you please murder Crazystar for me?" he asked in a sweet tone.

Rio's eyes widened. "Uh, she is the boss of CG! She could—" she glanced around as if checking for eavesdroppers—"demote me."

"That would be nice," Darkshadow muttered. "Then we wouldn't have to act so dumb whenever you write."

Rio rolled her eyes.

An asteroid fell, hitting Darkshadow.

"Hey!" he protested, climbing out from beneath the asteroid. "Not fair."

Rio just grinned, blowing a bubble with her gum.

Dawnripple let out a moan as she dragged herself from the nursery fire, her totishell pelt lit with flames. "Help!" she called.

Cloudpaw inched away from the dying she-cat. "Uh, why were you in the nursery?" he asked, holding the catmint bundle in his tail.

Dawnripple rolled her eyes, despite the fact that she was dying. "I was cleaning the nests!"

"No you weren't," interjected Amethystglimmer, who was already visibly pregnant again.

Cloudpaw sighed, accepting Dawnripple's excuse. He started treating her with catmint.

Darkshadow, who was still bleeding from his asteroid wound, let out a snort. "Can I please have some help? We do have like fifty medicine cats 'round here."

Moonmoon, rolling her eyes, padded over to him and shoved catmint into his wound.

"Thanks," Darkshadow muttered dryly.

Brought to you by the awesome admin, Rio

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